Arbejde Embedded Software Developer unspecified BLUE OCEAN ROBOTICS ApS - jobtilbud

id: NDk0NjE1MyA3

reference: 4946153

documentId: 4946153

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1550144910546

stillingsbetegnelse: Embedded Software Developer


Our spin out company, Multi Tower Company, is looking for an Embedded Software Developer to help us design and build the world’s smartest patient transfer and rehabilitation robot.

Are you ready to join a robotics startup company with a highly innovative profile and do you have electronics engineering background? Then you are our candidate. Do not hesitate to send in your job application now as we employ as we receive applications.

The Multi Tower Company is a spin out of Blue Ocean Robotics, where our groundbreaking patient transfer and rehabilitation robot has been conceptually developed. With Blue Ocean Robotics as our older sister company as well as other Robotic companies in the same building sharing offices, you will work in a highly inspirational environment with access to a both deep and broad robotic technology toolbox. Most importantly, you will work together with a large team of dedicated people from around 30 different countries and counting both young as well as very skilled and experienced robotic engineers.

The ideal candidate

As an Embedded Software Developer you have documented skills and hands-on experiences in designing and integrating medium to large scale robots or automation systems.

You have worked in or managed small, enthusiastic, diverse and interdisciplinary R&D project teams. Customer mindset, finishing deadlines, and product focus are natural things for you.

We expect you to be flexible and a fast learner, just like our robot is going to be. You see the great possibilities in our robot, and you are attracted by the prospects in becoming part of a great journey.

Our working environment is busy, enthusiastic, and full of great complex tasks that are tackled and solved in close collaboration with experienced robot developers from Blue Ocean Robotics.

You are well structured as a person, you like to work independently as a part of the Multi Tower team, which is innovative, likes creative thinking, has open minds and is very international.

In addition, we expect you to bring some of the following experience and characteristics:

  • You hold a degree in a relevant discipline of engineering
  • Deep knowledge of embedded software development of a wide range of components
  • Deep knowledge and experience with integration of various sensor e.g. strain gauges, load cells, optical sensors, encoders etc.
  • Experience with emergency systems, detection and safety design
  • Great skills in programming in C/C++ and potentially in Python
  • Experience in building, integrating and testing prototypes
  • Experience with electrical documentation in i.e. Autodesk or SolidWorks electrical schematics
  • Experience with electronics schematics and PCB design software, like Altium or Orcad
  • Knowledge about power circuits, batteries and charging
  • Documented results in embedded software development, generic software and hardware design.
  • Writing and keeping documentation up-to-date
  • Ideally, you have experience with ROS combined with experience in navigation, HMI, UI /GUI.
  • Ideally, you have all-round experience in integrating mechanical, electrical, hardware and software components
  • Ideally, you have experience with SCRUM and project-oriented development work
  • Ideally, you have experience with motor controlling and motor controller tuning
  • You communicate openly and easily with surroundings

This is what we offer

We respect each other and our differences. We take pride in integrating expat colleagues in collaboration with Blue Ocean robotics, Odense Robotics, and the International Community Odense. Corporate language is English.

Multi Tower Company has an inspiring startup spirit. We are fast-paced, dynamic and have a flat work hierarchy. We have high expectations for each other and take great pride in creating the world's best robot solution for hospitals and daycare within its field of operation. Salary and multimedia package will be negotiated on attractive terms.

For further information regarding the position, please don’t hesitate to contact Sr. Project Manager Ulrich Lundgren Gamboldt, via email: ulg (at) or +45 3163 1369. Also, make sure to follow our latest news on Linkedin.

The workplace is at our HQ in Odense, Denmark.

We need you to start as soon as possible, so please do not wait with submitting your application and CV.

Apply for this job on, please note this is the only way we can receive applications.

Let’s lift-off and move. The Multi Tower team is looking forward to you joining.

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: BLUE OCEAN ROBOTICS ApS

source: DK-STAR


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