Arbejde Electronics Engineer unspecified MOBILE INDUSTRIAL ROBOTS ApS - jobtilbud
reference: 4958039
documentId: 4958039
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1552303636876
stillingsbetegnelse: Electronics Engineer
Would you like to become a part of our dynamic and ambitious company consisting of dedicated colleagues who are all making a difference and being successful within the world of robots?
Commitment and job satisfaction go hand in hand, and we are the leading global provider of mobile robots.
MiR – an exciting place to work
In order for us to continue the positive development at MiR, we have created this new position as Electronics Engineer. Together with our Hardware Team, you will contribute to develop and maintain our robots. You will refer to our R&D Manager, Hardware – and with your background in hardware and electronics, you will become part of a team that ensures clever, sustainable and efficient solutions with a high level of quality.
Opportunity to make a difference
You will become part of a fast-growing company. You will be able to influence your role and the way our robots are designed – today and in future. In this position as an Electronics Engineer, you will be co-responsible for turning ideas into robots ready for production. This makes demands on your competences with regards to electronics design, test, implementation and cooperation.
In this role, you will be involved in many different decisions, and you must be ready to quickly find the most efficient and reliable solutions. This is where you will profit from your solid experience with electronics. As we continue to develop new and exciting projects – all with ambitious deadlines – it is essential that you are able to prioritize and keep calm when under pressure.
Professional profile
We offer you a very interesting position and the opportunity to leave your own mark on this role.
You will join a team of 14 highly skilled hardware developers, and your tasks will include:
- Designing power and control electronics from idea to full production
- Contribute in preparing diagrams and PCB layout
- Test and verification
- Root cause analyses and implementing product improvements
- Help in ensuring compliance within current and future robot/ AGV standards
- Support and cooperate on introducing new procedures within R&D
Professional Development
It is important that you enjoy working with robots and are motivated by developing and testing new features. You will be expected to be very ”hands-on”, and to have a structured and analytical approach to problem solving. It is essential that R&D delivers a carefully thought out and future-proof product for our ongoing production.
The Candidate
Professional competences
You are educated as electronics engineer or similar technical education. You have several years of experience with developing electronics from a similar position.
It would be an advantage if you have knowledge about electrical safety and standards in general.
You are able to acquaint yourself with complex areas. Also, you have good cooperative skills and are able to work cross-organizationally. With your past experience, you will help R&D Hardware to increase the quality of our MiR products by contributing to implement internal Q-related processes.
Personal competences
As a person, you are extrovert and thrive in an international and dynamic environment. You solve your tasks with enthusiasm, and you are accommodating, dynamic, have a good sense of perspective and structure.
As we work in a global scope, it is essential that you are proficient in English both orally and in writing.
If you see this as your chance to develop personally and professionally with some of the most skilled people in the industry, please send us your application and your CV via the ”Click here to apply” button as soon as possible.
Please visit our website to learn more about Mobile Industrial Robots.
Employment by agreement – ideally as soon as possible. Please note that we will conduct interviews on an ongoing basis, until the position has been filled.
We look forward to receiving your application.
Application deadline:
As soon as possible Apply
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
source: DK-STAR
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