Arbejde Development Scientist in COMMBI unspecified Chr. Hansen A/S - jobtilbud

id: NTAyMjU4MiA3

reference: 5022582

documentId: 5022582

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1564057809163

stillingsbetegnelse: Development Scientist in COMMBI


Do you want to pioneer science and improve food and health for more than 1 billion people every day?

At Chr. Hansen, we work to improve food and health and our natural ingredients are consumed by more than 1 billion people every day.

Our success is built on more than 140 years of innovation and a commitment to ensure the wider adoption of natural ingredients. This allows us to expand innovations into new areas, and to  continue working towards a better world. As a global market leader in bioscience, we have the opportunity to address important global challenges such as food waste, healthy living and sustainable agriculture – and we need the brightest and most passionate people on board to succeed. Want to join us?


A career with Chr. Hansen 
Joining Chr. Hansen is your opportunity to make a meaningful difference while taking part in pioneering science. Our founder, Christian D. A. Hansen, was a true entrepreneur and that mentality is still very present and valued today as we look for new talent to strengthen our team. We value people who can come up with new ideas and who want to form their own work practice and methods.

We believe that engagement matters, and therefore we strive to make an optimal environment for development by promoting a collaborative culture with the passion to make a difference.


Development Scientist in COMMBI
We are looking for a new Development Scientist for our COMMBI team in Hørsholm.   

The COMMBI department is a smaller department composed of 9 high performing employees in Hørsholm. COMMBI is anchored within the Culture Development department which is part of Chr. Hansen’s R&D organisation with a strong focus on developing new bacterial cultures for the food and beverage industry. All functions in Culture Development plays a pivotal role in long term projects, which are collaborations between various departments in our R&D organisation, Global Application, Marketing, Sales and Production. 

In the Chr. Hansen product development value chain, Culture Development is located after Discovery and before Global Application. Culture Development typically defines the composition of the bacterial culture – and helps developing the bacterial components of the culture. COMMBI has the main responsibility of developing cultures for the food and beverage industry.  

As our new Development Scientist your primary role will be to participate in various projects ensuring the development of new bacterial cultures aligned with our customers’ expectations. 


As such your tasks will be to 

  • Develop new starter and bioprotective cultures for food applications – primarily within food, beverage and plant-based applications
  • Plan, execute and report on experimental work carried out in the laboratory and in development projects 
  • Prepare and conduct presentations on the results obtained in the laboratory and in projects in the project teams
  • Elements of project management can from time to time be part of the job


Entrepreneurial and driven scientist to create progress
The ideal candidate holds a Ph.D. in natural sciences - preferably within food science or a related scientific field. On top of your educational background you have solid competences within microbiology and/or bioprotective cultures through some years of relevant experience within a related area.

Further you: 

  • Master experimental design and data handling – preferably with experience in multivariate data analysis tools
  • Appreciate to work in a laboratory environment and take an interest in developing experimental protocols useful for e.g. liquid handling robots
  • Master English (spoken and written) and a second language. Danish, German or French are appreciated but not a requirement


As a person you are creative, energetic and capable of making things work – on your own and in teams. You are a quick learner and you are not shaken easily by a changing environment. 

You work with every part of the value chain as such it is a clear advantage that you are a good communicator that thrive in an interactive role. You will be the R&D representative in different projects and ensure progress by having the holistic overview and goalsetting. Therefore, it is also essential that you have a structured approach to solving technical issues and can see the patterns behind the apparent chaos. 


For more information and application    
If you have any questions to the position, please contact Manager, Kristina Rasch Jäpelt by mail dkkba (at) 

Deadline for applications is the 18th of August 2019. Please mark your application "Development Scientist in COMMBI". 

Read more about a career at Chr. Hansen here:

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: Chr. Hansen A/S

source: DK-STAR


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