Arbejde Deployed Engineer unspecified Maersk Oil Trading and Investments A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4919367
documentId: 4919367
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1545045365193
stillingsbetegnelse: Deployed Engineer
We work together, we workout together (in our onsite gym). We meet in our newly renovated office, we meet for walks along the water. We discuss world affairs over breakfast and lunch in our canteen, or in our collaboration lounges. We wear what makes us feel comfortable and we wear ourselves out finding solutions to problems that affect millions of people every day. We are Maersk Digital.
Maersk is going through times of unprecedented change. As we aspire to secure sustainable growth of our businesses, we need to re-think the way we engage with our customers and partners. Digital is taking center stage in enabling this engagement.
If you are passionate about working in an entrepreneurial environment supporting an ambitious team on a great transformation journey – Then this role is the perfect next step in your career!
We offer
The Digital team at Maersk offers a unique opportunity to leverage technology to impact global trade via the largest container shipping company in the world.
We operate in a fast-paced environment utilizing modern technologies and bias toward action. We are agile, value outcomes, and are passionate about using technology to solve problems.
• We are a very diverse team with colleagues having many different backgrounds and from many different cultures
• We are operating in a working environment of a small software company combined with the benefits of a large enterprise
• We offer freedom to influence and shape the setup and the processes we use
• We offer possibilities to attend conferences, workshops and meetups
At Maersk, we focus on the individual’s development and the right candidate will have broad possibilities to further develop competencies in an environment characterised by change and continuous progress
Find out more about Maersk Digital at
Key responsibilities
• Partner directly with the business to understand, decompose, and scope technical solutions that will create value internally or externally
• Create full-stack technical solutions utilizing our internal platforms that are scalable and maintainable
• Operate in agile scrum teams and independently direct time and resources
• Build data pipelines and complex engineering required to sustainably source data into a cloud environment
• Collaborate with our technical organizations to source data and interoperate with existing systems
• Embed with business teams to understand processes and requirements and fit solutions within this framework
• Contribute to our core digital platform and augment capabilities to build data assets and continuously improve our platform offering
We are looking for
• Strong engineering background, with a degree or experience in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Data Engineering, or Data Science
• Entrepreneurial mindset and ability to operate independently to create end-to-end solutions
• Full stack application development track record using for example Java, Python, AngularJS, React, microservices, or similar
• Deep experience with data technologies, from relational databases to modern big data architecture such as Spark, Hadoop, Kafka
• Data engineering and pipeline technology experience, particularly open source and modern frameworks, cloud platform experience is a plus
• Good instincts around data and some experience with analytics and machine learning
• Independent and self-directed individuals that thrive in ambiguity
• Desire and ability to learn the business and become an expert in the industry
• Ability to communicate and work effectively with technical and non-technical team members
• Willingness and interest to travel
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: Maersk Oil Trading and Investments A/S
source: DK-STAR
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