Arbejde Dedicated Software Developer and Scrum Master for R&D, Stibo Systems unspecified WolterJohannsen - jobtilbud
reference: 4933171
documentId: 4933171
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1548054789490
Dedicated Software Developer and Scrum Master for R&D, Stibo Systems
Are you driven by challenges and professional advancement, and are quality code and teamwork key words in your next job? Would you like to develop Master Data Management software for companies on a global scale for whom the software solution is business critical? Then this is just the position for you.
An innovative and agile team
As our new Scrum Master and Software Developer, you will become part of the R&D Section in our headquarters located in Aarhus, following agile principles in software development. As part of the Customer Master Data Management Department (CMDM) you will be working in a team consisting of one architect, four developers and a software tester.
The R&D section comprises nearly 100 employees made up of distributed teams with the majority based in Denmark and some in Poland. You will gain knowledge of a large domain and experience continuous professional advancement in the years to come.
You and your team will be responsible for the continued development of Stibo Systems’ advanced software, STEP, which is world-leading in the Master Data Management field. Innovation and ideas are highly appreciated and you will find opportunity to influence upon you and your team’s work on a short and long term basis.
The position
In this role, you and your colleagues are responsible for the continued development of the Stibo Systems core product, STEP, and for guiding the team as their Scrum Master. The STEP solution is built in a Java structure, and due to the large amount of data and client specific features it is highly complex. The R&D Department works with a well-defined set of technologies, and a preference for Java backend programming is important, and technical skills in the frontend are desired.
The job entails:
- Technologies including Java, React, Node.js, graphQL (GWT on legacy code)
- Scrum based sprints and agile principles
- A focus on parallelism, performance, scalability and security
We are looking for an experienced developer, who wants to gain unique skills as a software developer. Experience as a Scrum Master, a Scrum certification or ambitions in that direction are required.
A Master’s degree in Computer Science or equivalent is preferred, but your passion for delivering quality code and reaching results with your team are essential. We are an international organization, thus advanced English skills in writing and speech are required.
As a person, you have a systematic approach to your assignments along with a great drive and sense of responsibility. You can stay focused when working with large amounts of data, and teamwork motivates you.
You feel comfortable in an international setting with colleagues from around the world.
Stibo Systems offers
A challenging, internal position in an international company with solid growth and a stable economy as well as ambitions and visions for the future. You are offered an academically motivating environment with excellent opportunity for individual advancement and room for initiative and new ideas.
The working culture is informal and the head office offers nice surroundings in Højbjerg, south of Aarhus. Your salary packaging will match your qualifications and the requirements of the job consisting of fixed salary, pension, bonus prospects and other perks.
About Stibo Systems
Stibo Systems is the global leader in Master Data Management solutions. Over the past 30 years, we have helped growth-directed executive teams in the manufacturing, distribution, retail, travel and hospitality, automotive and grocery industries manage their technical and operational information on a global scale. Our client base of market-leading companies include Mercedes, Kellogg’s, Sears, Sony, Toyota, KraftHeinz and Fujitsu.
By linking product, supplier, and other informational assets through an integrated process, our STEP platform streamlines the process of gathering, managing and sharing operational intelligence across the enterprise. This creates a single trusted source of strategic information and turns departmental knowledge into an enterprise-wide asset, resulting in increased profitability, reduced risk and enhanced agility.
Our stability and rich history date back to 1794
We may be a rapidly growing company, but we are also a stable organization with a rich history. Our parent company, Stibo A/S, was founded in 1794 to serve the Royal House of Denmark and is still privately owned. (Yes, you could say that we are the world’s oldest software company!)
We also believe in giving back. Stibo A/S is a foundation whose charter is to ensure the long-term development and survival of the company and contribute to the community. Since 1965, all company profits have been reinvested in the business and in charitable organizations throughout the world.
Apply as soon as possible
Stibo Systems is collaborating with recruiting company WolterJohannsen for this position. If you wish to apply, upload your CV along with a short application through the link to the right. External consultant, Nicholai Johannsen, will be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding the position- Please find contact information to the right side of this page.
We are looking forward to hearing from you.
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: WolterJohannsen
source: DK-STAR
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