Arbejde Senior Supplier Quality Specialist (190846) Midtjylland Siemens A/S - jobtilbud
For our Global Supplier Quality department in Brande, we are looking for a Senior Supplier Quality Specialist to drive improvements and to ensure continuous focus on the qualification process within our Procurement organization. The department has the overall responsibility for ensuring that suppliers meet Siemens Wind Power’s product requirements as well as corporate responsibilities. You will be part of the Global Supplier Quality Methods and Process team. What are my responsibilities? Driving and implementing core supplier quality processes and systems such as APQP and PPAP. Establishing and conducting training curriculums and facilitating their global implementation. Participating in interdisciplinary and cross-functional workgroups and projects as Supplier Quality representative. Driving cross-functional process improvement projects. Ensuring global implementation of Supplier Quality processes and systems. Supporting Supplier Quality Management by sharing lessons learned between the business unit teams. What do I need to qualify for this job? You have a technical or commercial background at Bachelor’s level and 5+ years of professional experience within the area of procurement or supplier quality, preferably from an international company. You have “hands on” experience within the areas of supplier management and with implementing and performing required APQP and PPAP activities. Ideally you have leadership experience as project manager, instructor practice and are certified within quality management. Furthermore, you have knowledge of Lean and Six Sigma. As a person you are proactive and result-oriented, and you have a structured approach to complex tasks. You are a strong communicator and possess excellent English skills, both orally and in writing. 10-20% travelling activity may be required. In case you have acquired your skills in alternative ways your application is just as well appreciated. What else do I need to know? Siemens Wind Power is a leading supplier of wind power solutions for onshore, offshore and coastal sites. Denmark is a core part of Siemens’ global wind power activities, housing global wind power R&D and engineering activities along with several supply chain management, sales and project management functions. Currently, approximately 6,000 employees out of a global staff of more than 11,500 work with wind power solutions in Denmark. We continuously strive to strengthen our position, and we are therefore looking for bright minds eager to join a dynamic, international organization offering unique opportunities for its employees. Apply online in English for the job. Please note that we will reply by email. We are looking forward to receiving your online application. Please ensure you complete all areas of the application form to the best of your ability, as we will use the data to review your suitability for the role.
Arbejdsgiver Navn: Siemens A/S
Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 99 42 22 22
Job kort beskrivelse:
Analytikerarbejde inden for ledelse og virksomhedsorganisation
land: Danmark
region: Midtjylland
Kontrakt varighed: Fast
Kontrakttype: Fuldtid
krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet
Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark
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