Arbejde Commercial Systems Specialist unspecified ApS - jobtilbud
reference: 4922618
documentId: 4922618
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1545908936630
stillingsbetegnelse: Commercial Systems Specialist
jobbeskrivelse: is looking for a Commercial Systems Specialist to support the Commercial Systems Team with managing and maintaining our internal commercial systems and to work closely with the Commercial Operations team on other exciting projects. These projects span from operational implementations to strategic initiatives, and have a strong tooling and process focus to drive additional revenue growth for the company.As part of the Commercial Systems team you will be joining the Commercial Operations team (CommOps) which is a cross departmental unit with experts working on commercial tooling, BI, Sales, CX, and Marketing operations. Even though we’ve probably surpassed the point of being able to still call a startup, we’ve retained our startup ethos of encouraging autonomy, ambition, boldness and experimentation. Working in this kind of environment is a very rewarding choice, but it also requires a certain personality. We value open people who take initiative and aren’t afraid to fail, learn from mistakes, adjust, and try new things.Deadline for applications is 31 December 2018. We will undertake ongoing interviews through this period as we are aiming to fill this position sooner than later.What you'll do
- You will take on the responsibility of Salesforce and Marketo administration together with the team. It includes system configuration, maintenance, system enhancements/upgrades, ensuring data integrity, data integrations and installed packages etc.
- Within Salesforce specifically: Configure and maintain custom objects, record types, fields, page layouts, formulas, data validation rules, triggers, process automations, custom workflows, approval processes, data loading etc.
- Within Marketo specifically: Configure and maintain campaigns in order to ensure solid lead routing logic for a growing sales and marketing team. Other strategic and ad-hoc tasks on building and maintaining nurture campaigns, lead scoring, marketing programs, and CRM integrations with Salesforce
- Work with CommOps on projects that support overall go-to-market strategies designed to achieve business goals and drive revenue growth
- Continuously work with CommOps and front-line teams to improve the existing setup of our commercial systems in order to enable Falcon’s employees to get their job done as efficiently as possible and for management to be able to rely on accuracy of data that resides in those tools
- Identify new and creative ways to leverage our commercial systems and its databases in order to increase efficiency and drive growth
What you have
- English to a native fluency level but other languages are a plus
- Relevant degree and/or professional qualification within business or technology and ideally a strong technical background
- An eye for details and the ability to maintain consistent, correct data across multiple systems
- A team player mindset and the motivation to become a valuable contributor
- Ability to critically review existing system setup, recognize and make tooling or process improvements where needed
- Analytical and problem-solving skills
- Experience with administering and developing the Salesforce platform (Sales Cloud). Proficiency in Salesforce Lightning platform and capabilities would be preferred
- Salesforce administration certification not essential but would be a plus
- Marketo administration experience highly desirable
- Understanding of information security considerations when managing systems highly desirable
What we offer
- Open, informal and multinational working environment
- An opportunity to work with companies of all sizes including large international brands in a cross-border context
- High level of responsibility and excellent career opportunities
- Flexible working hoursLunch, drinks and healthy snacks daily
- Social events like friday bar, company outings and more
About provides a unified SaaS platform for social media listening, engaging, publishing and managing customer data. We enable our clients to explore the full potential of digital marketing by managing multiple customer touch points from one platform. Our platform has already achieved great international traction in the market, with its technology endorsed by partnerships with Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.Founded as Falcon Social in Copenhagen in 2010, we now also have offices in New York City, Berlin, Budapest and Sofia. We’re a highly diverse team, and we’re always looking for passionate and curious people who want to be part of a fast-paced, high-energy environment.
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: ApS
source: DK-STAR
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