Arbejde Commercial Product Manager, Digital & IoT unspecified VELUX A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4906575
documentId: 4906575
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1542370567490
stillingsbetegnelse: Commercial Product Manager, Digital & IoT
At the VELUX Group, we give you the chance to grow. To shape your own career. To work in an international environment. To be part of a company that leads the market in sustainable indoor living. We offer you a world of opportunities – if you have the ability and the drive to take them.
Discover more at or you experienced within marketing, and can you drive commercial initiatives? Do you know how to motivate and influence others? In addition, do you thrive on working in a dynamic and international company which is the global market leader? Then this position may be the next step in your career.
If you are inspired by the above and ready to deliver an extraordinary effort, then this commercial product manager position in our Growth/Digital & IoT category within Global Product Management (GPM) may be just what you are looking for.Your challenges
Our sustainable indoor living solutions within Growth/Digital & IoT make up a new important focus area in the Velux Group. Alongside a dedicated team, you will provide commercial support directly to our sales companies in order to ensure effective execution of strategy, growing the business together.
You will be the primary point of contact for our sales companies regarding commercial questions related to product launches, positioning, promotion and pricing. This means, that you:
- Ensure the quality of local product marketing content both online and in print
- Support the development and execution of launch packages/activities together with agencies and participate in various commercial analyses
- Participate in cross-functional GPM commercial projects
You will be based in Hørsholm, just north of Copenhagen, and being part of a global organisation, you can expect to travel approx. 30 days annually – both in Denmark and internationally.
Your qualifications
You have graduated with a master’s degree in business, economics or the like combined with 3-5 years of relevant experience working with and driving commercial initiatives both offline as well as online. If you have experience thinking public relations into your campaigns, this is an advantage.
Your strong points are your international mindset, your understanding of and passion for our products, your commercial and executional mindset and your strong market understanding. You are hardworking, practical, have a hands-on approach to business and are not afraid to take on new tasks or operate in new areas under changing conditions.
You are a natural team player and networker who easily builds up relationships within the organisation through results, credibility and trust. Furthermore, you are a self-starter with a ‘can do’, result-oriented attitude and a strong ability to deliver quality solutions in time.
It is important that you can navigate within a matrix organisation with many different stakeholders and that you can achieve results in this type of environment. Last but not least, you communicate fluently in English both spoken and in writing.
Your opportunitiesIn addition to operating at a highly professional level, our team is characterised by an informal tone and a healthy sense of humour. We work as one team to reach our ambitious goals. We believe in empowering people, and we support this through sharing knowledge, delegating responsibility and investing in people who strive to make a difference.
The international environment in the VELUX Group is a great source of inspiration with a lot of good ideas and best practices from all across the world, and the international setting is in our DNA.
The VELUX Group offers exciting challenges and great opportunities of influencing your own development with competent and dedicated colleagues where commitment, thoroughness and mutual respect are among the core values.Application and contactThe application and selection process will be done in collaboration with Brinch & Partners. If you would like to know more about this opportunity and the VELUX Group, please feel free to contact Partner Jens Christian Jensen by telephone +45 7020 2328.
In order to apply for the job, Apply here We look forward to receiving your application and CV as soon as possible.
All inquiries will be treated confidentially.
Work place:
For more information:
Jens Christian Jensen by +45 7020 2328
Our company
For 75 years, the VELUX Group has created better living environments for people around the world; making the most of daylight and fresh air through the roof. Our product programme includes roof windows and modular skylights as well as a range of decoration and sun screenings, roller shutters, installation solutions and intelligent home controls. These products help to ensure a healthy and sustainable indoor climate, for work and learning, for play and pleasure. We work globally – with sales and manufacturing operations in more than 40 countries and around 9,500 employees worldwide. The VELUX Group is owned by VKR Holding A/S, a limited company wholly owned by foundations and family.
For more information, visit
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: VELUX A/S
source: DK-STAR
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