Arbejde Commercial Development Manager for Infant and Women\'s Health Category unspecified CHR HANSEN A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 5018347
documentId: 5018347
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1562848209863
Commercial Development Manager for Infant and Women's Health Category
Do you want to contribute to improving the health of infants and women around the world?
Infant and women’s health is a strategic investment in our Human Health business unit that has the responsibility for selling microbiome based probiotic solutions to non-food human applications. We are currently looking for a strong candidate for a maternity leave cover as Commercial Development Manager for the Infant and Women’s health category team, Commercial Development, Human Health.
Category Management responsibility
As part of our category team, your main task will be to enable profitable sales growth by utilizing existing portfolio and developing new portfolio. This will be done in close collaboration with colleagues in e.g. sales, product design and innovation.
Your key responsibilities will be:
- Drive development of product portfolio for the product areas based upon market analysis, consumer insights and clear understanding of customer needs.
- Participate in the development of innovation pipeline.
- Drive commercial execution of key launches.
Personal profile
The ideal candidate will have the following qualifications:
- Master of Business Administration or alternatively relevant scientific background (nutrition and health) with commercial experience.
- 5+ years’ experience in B2B or B2C product management, marketing or similar roles.
- Experience with pharma or consumer healthcare customer interactions preferred
- Strong written and spoken English.
- Fluency in the MS office package (PowerPoint, excel etc.).
We expect that you bring a proactive and execution personality with a can-do attitude. You have an international mindset and the ability to work in a matrix environment. You are structured as a person with a disciplined approach. You have strong communication skills and a passion for creating results. You are ready to travel app. 20-30 days per year.
Your new team
You will become part of the Infant and Women’s Health category team in our Human Health Commercial Development department. The immediate team consists of 5 people that cover the responsibilities of marketing, scientific affairs, and product management.
By joining the quite new Commercial Development department in Chr. Hansen Human Health - a leader in the probiotics field - you will have an opportunity to help maximize the potential of our product portfolio.
For further questions, feel free to contact Christina Birkedal, Head of Infant and Women’s Health, Commercial Development, Human Health at telephone +45 40807774.
Deadline for applications is July 29, 2019.
Read more about a career at Chr. Hansen here:
Do you want to help improve food and health around the world?
At Chr. Hansen, food and health is at the heart of everything we do and our natural ingredients are consumed by more than 1 billion people every day. As a global market leader in bioscience, we have the opportunity to address important global challenges such as food waste, healthy living and sustainable agriculture and we need the brightest and most passionate people on board to succeed. Want to join us?
A career with Chr. Hansen
Joining Chr. Hansen is your opportunity to make a meaningful difference while unfolding your career in a global setting. In each of our 32 global offices, you will be able to experience an agile organization that is proud to encourage an inspiring work environment and a collaborative culture full of passion to make a difference.
Our founder, Christian D. A. Hansen, was a true entrepreneur and that mentality is still very present and valued today – as we look for new talent to strengthen our team. We are always looking for people who can take charge, come up with new ideas and form their own work practice and methods. Engagement matters to us, therefore we offer a work environment where cooperation and respect are the top priorities.
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: CHR HANSEN A/S
source: DK-STAR
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