Arbejde CIM Engineering Specialist unspecified Vestas Wind System A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4937237
documentId: 4937237
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1548751987253
stillingsbetegnelse: CIM Engineering Specialist
Are you a Mechanical Engineer who is motivated by providing the best solutions to your customers and can you manage a broad interface with many different stakeholders? Are you also motivated by actively working with strategic initiatives and leading others by showing the way through mentoring and setting new standards for the department?
If "Yes" take a closer look at the job offer in Continuous Improvement Management (CIM) Engineering. We are a team working on failed components, which are still in warranty by analyzing our way to the root cause through an engineering and analytical approach and driving solutions across the entire value chain.
Mechanical Engineering > Nacelle Engineering > CIM Engineering
The overall purpose of the CIM Engineering department is to drive down warranty cost for Vestas by providing fast feedback to our service organisation when issues occur and driving the root cause analysis and solution improvement.
The team is very versatile as we are covering all the components in the turbine from main components like blades, gearboxes, electrical and structural parts down to small brackets and cabinet covers. Apart from the root cause phase activities will take a lot of involvement of the entire value chain, like finance, legal, suppliers, service and installation which requires a true team player who can drive and plan for success.
The CIM process framework is tailored around the DMAIC process to ensure quality and clear project scope on all CIM cases.
The responsibility of a CIM Engineer Specialist is twofold. First thing is to take part in the active portfolio which includes tasks like: Identify and drive the necessary activities for solving the prioritized CIM cases. The second area is the strategic area. The specialist role will be to focus on the processes and workflows within the department and optimize these for improving the overall business results of CIM Engineering. A specialist is also an ambassador who is leading the team by showing the way with the right behavior and attitude.
Areas of responsibilities
- Take responsibility of the technical solution across the entire value chain incl. make alignment with all affected stakeholders like: System owners, service/ installation, legal, finance etc.
- Drive root cause analysis
- Drive development of improvement solution
- Testing of solution
- Updating the necessary documentation like: Risk assessment, manuals, service message etc.
- Participate in idea creation and driving functional excellence initiatives
- Be an ambassador for CIM Engineering by living out Vestas Leadership role model: Accountability, collaboration and simplicity
- Bachelor or master's degree in mechanical engineering, marine engineering or similar, preferably with specialization in drive or gear technology combined with min. 5 years of work experience within wind turbine drivetrain components within Wind Turbine, Aerospace, Automotive, Heavy Industries or similar
- Experience in mechanical failure analysis and solution development
- Knowledge and experience creating failure forecasts based on statistical methods
- Able to take technical responsibility for high impact issues and overall component health
- Strong DMAIC or similar problem-solving skills
- Knowledge about Minitab
- You have taken part in planning and executing tasks on both operational and strategic level including been part of a change management process
- You have a thorough and structured approach to your work and can find innovative solutions to problems
- You are confident to take decisions in a short period of time, based on facts with a pragmatic approach without compromising the quality or safety requirements
- You are an independent and proactive self-starter and persistent in reaching your goals and have leadership skills and would like to use it in your everyday work
- You are customer oriented and can understand the business value chain seen from a service and customer perspective
- You can communicate effortlessly in English both verbal and written
What we offer
As the gateway to Vest Power Solutions, you will find yourself in an exciting and sometimes unpredictable job with excellent colleagues. You will experience a 'people first' attitude with a lot of independency within the team.
Moreover, you will get the opportunity to use your skills for something greater and take an active part in the solution of one of the biggest challenges the world faces today.
Additional information
Primary work location Vestas Power Solution office at Aarhus, in Denmark.
Expect 10-20 days of travel a year.
For additional information about the position, please contact Thomas Cosmus Hansen, manager for CIM Engineering at +45 2060 5948
About Vestas
Vestas is the energy industry's global partner on sustainable energy solutions. We design, manufacture, install, and service wind turbines across the globe, and with 97 GW of wind turbines in 79 countries, we have installed more wind power than anyone else.
Through our industry-leading smart data capabilities and unparalleled 83 GW of wind turbines under service, we use data to interpret, forecast, and exploit wind resources and deliver best-in-class wind power solutions. Together with our customers, Vestas' more than 24,400 employees are bringing the world sustainable energy solutions to power a bright future.
We invite you to learn more about Vestas by visiting our website at and following us on our social media channels.
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: Vestas Wind System A/S
source: DK-STAR
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