Arbejde Channel Marketing Coordinator for Ballerup or Langley unspecified GN STORE NORD A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4906639
documentId: 4906639
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1542370565303
Channel Marketing Coordinator for Ballerup or Langley
GN Audio, Ballerup - DenmarkPublished Nov 09, 2018
Where do you see yourself in the future? Does working with global retail and channel marketing, communication and partner programs come to mind? Join us and see your career take off as you gain a central role in our global marketing function.
Welcome to GN Audio – we make life sound better
At GN Audio, we work to lead major technology shifts with intelligent audio solutions. As a part of our Global Channel Marketing team, you will partake in our goal of bringing that message to the world through our many global channel partners. We are a small but strong international team of 4 specialists placed in Canada, the UK, the US and Denmark.
As channel marketing coordinator, you will work in either Ballerup, Denmark or Langley, UK, depending on your residency. You will however travel on occasion to attend team meetings, annual events, partner conferences and more.
Be involved in all our marketing processes
With a central role in supporting the many processes of the team, you will work closely with the Channel & Retail Marketing Manager, the Channel Communications Manager and the Digital Project Manager. We are constantly working on multiple product launches – and you will be in the middle of it all, always ensuring that all regions have what is needed to launch projects.
Concretely, you:
- Support and coordinate implementation of communication and marketing projects, the creation of new online content, internal communication processes, documentation, copywriting and more
- Manage the Jabra One Academy – our partner training platform
- Support the implementation and in-market execution of our Jabra One Partner Program
- Manage the communications calendar on behalf of the Communications Marketing Manager
- Own and manage program and platform reporting processes and provide regular updates to the team
Accelerate your career in this progressive position
It is our ambition to help you grow in this position and, with time, drive your own projects. Through close collaboration with the team, you will have great opportunity to be involved in all the processes and learn more about many aspects within marketing and communications.
“With us, you will learn about content creation, the different uses of digital technology, how to position communication, how to develop channel partnerships, how to generate revenue through marketing and so much more,” says Denise Gale, Channel & Retail marketing Manager, Global Programs.
Are you up for taking initiative and running with it?
This position will expose you to interesting challenges and demand a lot of common sense, the ability to prioritise and make decisions independently with consideration for long-term effects.
We are therefore open to your level of experience, whether you are newly graduated or have experience as a marketing coordinator, assistant, junior manager or the like. It is however vital that you are marketing-savvy, a self-starter and able to hit the ground running in a busy environment.
You also have:
- A bachelor’s degree within marketing, business, communication or the like
- In-depth knowledge of B2B channel marketing and partner marketing, gained either through professional experience, student positions or your studies
- Solid communication skills in English
- Preferably, experience working with MS Dynamics or the like, marketing automation tools such as Click Dimensions and content management systems including Relayware or Zift – though it is not a must-have
Would you like to know more?
To apply, use the ‘APPLY’ link no later than 30-11-2018. Applications are assessed on a continuous basis, which is why we encourage you to send your application as soon as possible.
If you want to know more about the position, you are welcome to contact Channel & Retail Marketing Manager, Global Programs, Denise Gale on +44 7585 125 165.
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: GN STORE NORD A/S
source: DK-STAR
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