Arbejde Business Intelligence Analyst to Group Risk Data, Copenhagen unspecified NORDEA FINANS DANMARK A/S - jobtilbud
Legepladsreference: 4982969
documentId: 4982969
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1556886628300
Business Intelligence Analyst to Group Risk Data, Copenhagen
We are looking for a Business Intelligence Analyst to join the Group Risk Data team in Copenhagen. This is a unique opportunity for you to be part of the development of the new user interface for market risk data to support end users to analyze and report on risk numbers.
Group Risk Data is involved in several projects related to regulatory requirements and firmwide simplification efforts for risk data. The team is part of Group Risk Management and Control, which independently controls and monitors all aspects of risk including credit, market, liquidity and operational risk in Nordea. We are passionate about quality and integrity in our deliveries ensuring that Nordea achieves “best in class” risk management solutions.
Your future responsibilities
You will be working as a business intelligence expert on the new user interface for market risk data using state-of-the art technology. In your daily work you will collaborate with many different teams including risk managers, controllers, reporting and IT developers.
Our project aims to provide enhanced analytical capabilities for our current Oracle-based infrastructure as well as preparing for a new service-based setup currently under development. We focus on providing our stakeholders the best performing tool that helps them understand Nordea’s market risk profile.
What you’ll be doing:
- Explore and understand user requirements
- Write MDX queries to implement new UI features
- Optimize performance and ensure top-level data quality
- Automate tasks related to investigation of issues, bugs
Who you are
Collaboration. Ownership. Passion. Courage. These are the four key values that guide us in being at our best. We imagine that you enjoy learning and are excited about bringing your ideas to the table. You’re dependable, willing to speak up – even when it’s difficult – and committed to empowering others. We are looking for experienced candidates as well as fresh graduates with demonstrated BI skills and willingness to learn. The ideal candidate has good communication skills, can explain ideas and concepts clearly for people with different professional backgrounds. You learn fast and can adapt to changes quickly.
Your profile and background:
- Degree in Finance, Economics or Computer Science
- Experience with MDX queries, analytical cubes, data modelling and visualization
- Additional programming skills is a plus (SQL, VBA, Python, JavaScript)
- General understanding of Finance and Risk concepts
- Strong writing and speaking skills in English
If this sounds like you, get in touch!
More information
At, you can read more about us, our business and our focus on integrating sustainability into everything we do.
At Nordea, we recruit from the widest possible pool and hire the best person for the job. Because diversity makes us stronger. And once you are on board, you will find that we offer equal opportunities to everyone.
Please submit your application no later than 15 May 2019.
For more information about the position, please contact Akos Szilágyi. Phone: +4555467974, Email: akos.szilagyi (at)
Great people often know great people – please share if you have a friend who could be a perfect match for this job.
To all recruitment agencies: Please note, we don’t accept unsolicited resumes for any of our positions. All contact regarding agency resumes should be directed to Nordea Talent Acquisition which handles everything related to recruitment.
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
source: DK-STAR
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