Arbejde Bioinformatics Software Developer, Bioinformatics Tools & Systems, DK unspecified NOVOZYMES A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDg4MDY5NiA3

reference: 4880696

documentId: 4880696

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1537350074756

Bioinformatics Software Developer, Bioinformatics Tools & Systems, DK


Pioneer a brighter future
At Novozymes, we work in close partnership with our customers and the global community to make a sustainable impact. We use science to advance industries, and as part of Research, Innovation and Supply, you will help find the biological answers and build the new businesses that can pave the way for a brighter future.

Bioinformatics Software Developer, Bioinformatics Tools and Systems, Bagsværd

Novozymes has embarked on a journey to enhance business and scientific productivity through better exploration of research data across the organization. Our goal is to increase the productivity of the global science community by providing seamless and intuitive access to research data and state of the art data analysis and visualization tools.

The bioinformatics systems being developed, support Research and Development globally and you’ll be a key person in bridging the research demand for new functionality with IT development. The Bioinformatics Systems and Tools department has the full operational responsibility for the setup, thus enabling an agile and flexible environment where the time from idea to solutions is cut to a bare minimum.

As a part of Bioinformatics Tools and Systems, you’ll join a strong team of internal resources and will be working side by side with external consultants when additional resources are needed. The team supports core research processes and is responsible for many important and specialized IT systems. Your day to day job will be software development in a team setting, where your profile will strengthen our team’ knowledge of biotechnology and enable us to reach further into the research organisation with strong tools and solutions.

You will be working in a diverse team of highly skilled people with competences across the fields of IT and biology. You will work closely with our user community/researchers as a skilful software developer and need to be energized by both technology and interpersonal relationships.

Some travel must be expected.

The person we are looking for has an open mindset to systems and services and can comprehend complex problems, driving strong solutions for the benefit of Research in Novozymes globally.

In this position you need to:

  • Have Master or PhD. degree in IT, Bioinformatics or equivalent
  • Have hands on experience in Linux environments
  • Have strong programming skills on Linux / Web-enabled platform (Python, JavaScript, etc.)
  • Have a go-do mindset driving specialized solutions for problems or challenges
  • Have prior experience in biotechnology research such as proteomics and genomics
  • Be fluent in spoken and written English
  • Be eager to take a driving role in forming the future of Novozymes IT research systems

Are you the next Zymer in our team? Consider a career with Novozymes and let’s realize your potential together.

About Novozymes
Novozymes is the world leader in biological solutions. Together with customers, partners and the global community, we improve industrial performance while preserving the planet’s resources and helping build better lives. As the world’s largest provider of enzyme and microbial technologies, our bioinnovation enables higher agricultural yields, low-temperature washing, energy-efficient production, renewable fuel and many other benefits that we rely on today and in the future. We call it Rethink Tomorrow.

Ranked #2 in Science magazine’s global Top Employers Survey 2017.


For more information please contact Department Head – Bioinformatics Tools and Systems: Jesper Krogh (JK (at) , +4530773326)

Application deadline: 1 October 2017

Please attach a copy of your diploma(s) when you apply for the position.

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: NOVOZYMES A/S

source: DK-STAR


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