Arbejde Business Finance Partner, Operations – Trade unspecified MAERSK LINE A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDkzODM4OCA3

reference: 4938388

documentId: 4938388

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1548926591030

stillingsbetegnelse: Business Finance Partner, Operations – Trade


Maersk Line Centre Finance is looking for a Business Finance Partner based in Copenhagen. You will be part of a strong team continuing a transformation journey in the way we support the business. In your role you will work with operational and financial stakeholders to optimize and develop two of the five trades comprising Maersk Line. As a business finance partner you will be expected to quickly learn the business and work across the floor. You will be expected to identify risks and opportunities for the business and support stakeholder’s decision-making process. This role holds multiple challenges and provides excellent learnings opportunities both in finance and liner operations.

We offer

An empowered position in Maersk Line’s Business Finance team for Operations being the focal point for management reporting, forecasting, budgeting, performance management, deep dive analysis and finance related business support.

The Business Finance Operations team interacts primarily with stakeholders in the Operations function as well as internal stakeholders in Finance. The Operations function is responsible for the global operational expenses, designing our network, managing our capacity and executing the day-to-day cargo operation in our Liner Operation Clusters (LOCs). 

As Finance Business Partner (FBP) you will have the opportunity to drive financial analysis, performance management and decision support to the Maersk Network leadership team. Your detailed understanding of the financial numbers combined with solid business knowledge will allow you to deliver performance insight, challenge current understandings and contribute to decision making within Network and thereby contributing to ensuring an optimized network. 

As part of a dynamic global network, you will be working closely together with the Maersk Network teams (part of Operations), Trade & Marketing/Commercial stakeholders and extended Finance teams. You will be exposed to senior management and a truly global organisation.

Key responsibilities

As part of the Network Business Finance team you will act as the trusted partner to key stakeholder/-s in HQ Network team. Functional reporting to Head of Business Finance Network & Fixed Cost, but with an indirect reporting to one or multiple senior stakeholders in Operations/Network. 

The FBP is expected to drive key financial processes and operating system in the Network team in close collaboration with stakeholders in Network/Operations. You will support their decision-making process and understanding of financials and performance by structuring and presenting key focus areas in management meetings, providing financial management information, deep dive analysis, performance management reporting and business cases.

Through close interaction with your stakeholders, you will understand their information needs and help them design and develop existing and new initiatives, report to stakeholders with clear business and financial insights and perform analyses of performance and trends to identify and suggest appropriate actions.

Specific responsibilities include:
• Drive accurate, timely and aligned reporting of financial and operational performance incl. KPIs 
• Provide forward looking and independently initiated analysis
• Support cost analysis as a SME for given area/-s
• Contribute to form business decisions and enable follow-up on such decisions 
• Assist in assessing best alternative strategies including forming of recommendations
• Provide various analysis and insights to business based on needs 
• Drive continuous improvements including simplification of reports, analysis tools and automation of reporting

We are looking for

• You hold a Master’s degree in finance or economics (Cand.Merc, Cand.Polit, Cand.Oecon if from Denmark, or equivalent)
• You have three to seven years of work experience from analytical positions within finance, management reporting, financial planning and analysis, management and/or strategy consultancy, business development or equivalent.
• You have a thorough understanding of finance and a sincere interest in understanding the business to drive performance and value.
• You are result driven and have a strong logical and analytical capacity being well organized with high attention to detail.
• You are a self-starter with a strong driving force, striving for continuous improvement and wanting to solve problems even if finding answers are not easy.
• You are an extroverted team player who are used to and enjoy working independently with ability to engage with and influence, guide and challenge multiple stakeholders.
• You have excellent communication and interpersonal skills, strong integrity and a humble personality that goes well with people at all levels in a global organization.
• You are used to and enjoy working in a challenging, fast paced and changing environment dealing with a lot of different tasks at the same time.
• You are skilled in Excel and PowerPoint, while experience from BI systems and SAP is a plus.
• You are skilled in written and spoken English. Danish is not required.

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: MAERSK LINE A/S

source: DK-STAR


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