Arbejde Business Director, Nets Mobile Services Hovedstaden NETS A/S - jobtilbud
Why Nets Business Director is the next step for you The digital payments industry is booming and Nets has a strategy to strengthen our market position within the digital payment business further with enhanced focus on digital payments. To achieve this, Nets aims to establish more strategic alliances with partners in the FinTech payment industry. As a ‘Corporate Entrepreneur’ you know how to operate and succeed in a digital disruptive marked. As a Nordic FinTech company, Nets has specialised in powering digital payments, connecting banks, businesses, the public sector and consumers via an international network facilitating digital payments. Lead and develop Nets´ digital payment solutions in a digital disruptive marked You will be responsible for defining and executing the digital strategy for Nets Mobile Services and take ownership for creating profitable business development, customer engagements, building capabilities and attractive new products and services. You will be strategic responsible in an innovative development environment where you have a team of innovative, dedicated and very skilled Product Managers. You will own the P/L budget and be commercial responsible for driving the team and business area to succeed with continuous development of new and innovative digital payment solutions. You will act as the Manager to external & internal service providers/stakeholders. Last but not least you will bring forward cross-functional leadership & customer advocacy to support product roadmaps developments. The ideal candidate Ideally, you are coming from the financial services industry, or have been working within the digital disruptive area. You have solid digital and financial business capabilities combined with analytical competences. You have significant commercial and business experience, where you have managed external relationships and interactions. You are also expected to have extensive experience in managing relationships with internal employees and stakeholders. You will work in a fast moving business environment with a clear P/L responsibility and mandate. To succeed you must be self-motivating, take ownership and driven by reaching challenging goals. How Nets is changing the world within Digital Payment As the market for Financial Services is changing, so is Nets. Nets is already the North European leader of digital payments, connecting banks, businesses, the public sector and consumers via an international network facilitating digital payments. We offer a wide range of standard and customised end-to-end IT solutions, building on our comprehensive network and a commitment to deliver stable and secure operations at all times. And we represent a broad range of services within payment cards, bank account services, and payment solutions for merchants. For more than four decades, we have been instrumental in developing a modern payment infrastructure, with the introduction of a number of successful payment products to the Nordic region, including Dankort, Betalingsservice, NemID, BankID, Avtalegiro and BankAxept. Behind every service or solution we offer lies a simple promise: Great payments, great networks and great ideas provided by great people. The recruitment is done in cooperation with the consulting firm Compass Human Resources Group. Please send your CV via Compass' website Although the application deadline, we process applications continuously. We therefore ask that you apply as soon as possible to ensure that your application is considered. If you have questions before then, please contact Partner Ib Sørensen 70 20 12 75. All inquiries are treated confidentially. Region: Region Hovedstaden Job type: Permanent Working hours: Full-time Working days: Day Location: Copenhagen, Ballerup Contacts: Partner in Compass Ib Sørensen Mobile: +45 70201275
Arbejdsgiver Navn: NETS A/S
Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 44232401
Arbejdsgiver faxnummer: 44860930
Job kort beskrivelse: Revisions- og regnskabscontrollerarbejde
land: Danmark
region: Hovedstaden
Kontrakt varighed: Fast
Kontrakttype: Fuldtid
krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet
Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark
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