Arbejde Bridge Engineer unspecified RAMBØLL DANMARK A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDk3Njg3OSA3

reference: 4976879

documentId: 4976879

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1555482615280

stillingsbetegnelse: Bridge Engineer


We invite you to bring your engineering skills into play as you will be met with tasks that interest and develop you. We will make sure your tasks vary allowing for greater independence and higher technical knowledge and competences. You will be a part of an international work environment with expert knowledge, sharing a passion for major bridges in all shapes and types. To succeed in this role you must have recently completed a degree in civil/structural engineering (or similar). Are you our new bridge engineer? Click the apply-button to send your application.


Inviting bright minds

Do you want to push the boundaries of your profession and develop your excellence in an open, collaborative and empowering culture? We work to create a sustainable future, and our inspiring projects and innovative solutions aim to set the standard among our peers. You will join a global company that has been growing successfully since its founding in 1945. Together, we lead and leave a positive impact on societies, companies and people around the world.


You will join our Major Bridge department

As our new bridge engineer, you will be part of an international department and explore the exciting processes in major infrastructure projects across all stages from planning through to construction. Ramboll’s bridge engineers are proud to be international and work on all types of projects. Ramboll has more than 50 years’ experience bringing major crossings to life on projects such as the Great Belt Bridge connecting Denmark and the Queensferry Crossing, the world’s longest three-tower cable-stayed bridge. Our bridge team works on all types of bridges and has a reputation for innovation based on projects such as Gateshead Millennium Bridge - the first tilting bridge in the world. Our engineers work alongside colleagues from other departments both nationally and internationally to cover all the necessary services to deliver these projects.


Your key tasks and responsibilities will be:

  • Perform complicated analysis of major bridges
  • Perform challenging design of major bridges


Your starting point for constant growth

From the moment you join Ramboll, we will support your personal and professional development so that you grow with the company. For this role, we believe your starting point is:

  • You enjoy being challenged in many aspects
  • You are motivated both independently and in teams
  • You are a curious and ambitious person with the desire to improve and develop your career in an international organisation


Personal qualities that will help you succeed in this role include being proactive and open minded.


Welcome to our Transport division

Ramboll is a global transportation consultancy company and we work on some of the biggest and most innovative infrastructure projects in the world. We are close to 3,000 bright minds working within transport worldwide, creating practical, sustainable and economic solutions for national transport authorities, private contractors and municipalities alike.


Ramboll in Denmark

Ramboll is the leading engineering, design and consultancy company in Denmark and has more than 3,500 experts working across 13 offices applying their passion to deliver innovative solutions in markets as diverse as Buildings, Transport, Planning & Urban Design, Water, Environment & Health, Energy and Management Consulting. We invite you to contribute to a sustainable future working in an open, collaborative and empowering culture.


How to apply

Apply online. Attach your CV, cover letter and relevant documents showcasing why you are the right fit for the role, and when you are available to start. We look forward to receiving your application.

Deadline: Please send your application no later than 31st May 2019. We are considering applications in an ongoing process. If you have any questions, please contact Mia Kastrup +45 5161 6871.

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: RAMBØLL DANMARK A/S

source: DK-STAR


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