Arbejde Assistant Project Manager-1400023J Midtjylland Vestas Wind Systems A/S - jobtilbud

stillingsbetegnelse: Assistant Project Manager-1400023J

Description We are looking for a self driven and hands on Assistent Project Manager for our Projects and Task (P&T) department as part of Production Engineering in Hammel, Denmark. If you have what it takes to ensure results in an international company, we appreciate to hear from you. Department: Production Engineering (PE) consists of 56 employees. Hereof approx. 50 in Denmark and the rest based in our Factory in Tianjin, China. As our new Assistent Project Manager you will have daily reporting to the Head of Projects and Task at our controller Factory in Hammel. You will be part of a team with 11 colleagues, which have the same project management approach as you. The position is located in Hammel near Aarhus, Denmark. Our Mission is to create standardized products and production processes & continuous improvement and development of product and production processes in the products lifetime. We are working with Controllers for Wind turbines and at the site in Hammel there is both serial production as well as R&D activities. PE supports the Controller Factory Hammel on a daily basis and has many different collaborators and stakeholders throughout the Vestas organization. A close cooperation with our Development Department located in Aarhus and our Global Sourcing is crucial for our success. The position in Production Engineering entails excellent professional opportunities, and we offer an interesting and challenging position in a department where humour and teamwork is a part of the daily business. Our environment is international and your colleagues are driven and dedicated towards achieving world class results. Responsibilities: This position is responsible for providing Project Management support to Project Managers in Projects and Task PE-Electrical. Furthermore this position is responsible for providing assistance to the Department Manager, execute Production Excellence related tasks and support PE-Electrical with administrative work. •Execute project tasks according to agreement with project manager. •Project team member in New Products Introduction (NPI), Technology Transfers (TT), Local Content (LC) or similar projects according to Vestas product development process within the Vestas group. •Be department lead in one or more daily asignments, such as process excellence descriptions, management support or cross department support. •Daily support to head of P&T and Integrated Product Development. Qualifications: We expect that you have an educational background as Technician, Engineer, Marine Engineer or similar preferable with Electrician background. Our preferred candidate has relevant experience in similar areas. We are open for candidates with more limited experience. Additionally we expect that you: •Have a proven ability to work both independently and in teams •Take responsibility - even under pressure •Have good communication skills in English and Danish both written and spoken •Are open minded and good at sharing/gathering information within a team •Have good IT skills within Microsoft office What we offer: We offer you an exciting and challenging job in a dynamic work environment. You will be part of a professional and dedicated team with focus on quality, high performance and an open-minded and informal working environment. You will have a broad interface and work closely with people from all over the organisation and on all organisational levels Please send your application and CV as soon as possible. All incoming applications will be evaluated continuously and the position will be closed, when we have the right candidate. WIND. IT MEANS THE WORLD TO US. By joining Vestas, you join the only global energy company dedicated 100% to wind energy. Together with our customers, we have installed more than 51.000 turbines in over 70 countries, and we remain committed to increase that number via our superior, cost-effective wind technologies, products and services. Since Vestas was fou

Arbejdsgiver Navn: Vestas Wind Systems A/S

Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 97 30 00 00

Job kort beskrivelse:
Analytikerarbejde inden for ledelse og virksomhedsorganisation

land: Danmark

region: Midtjylland

Kontrakt varighed: Fast

Kontrakttype: Fuldtid

krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet

Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark


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