Arbejde Assistant or Associate Professors in Electrical Engineering unspecified Syddansk Universitet - jobtilbud

id: NDkyMTE2NiA3

reference: 4921166

documentId: 4921166

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1545310572736

Assistant or Associate Professors in Electrical Engineering


The cross-border region Denmark-Germany is turning into a powerhouse in industrial electronics. Very recently, the Centre for Industrial Electronics (CIE) at University of Southern Denmark (SDU) was established by a strong partnership between industry, academia and regional authorities. CIE is located at the campus of SDU Sønderborg and surrounded by a vibrant industrial environment. CIE is part of the section SDU Electrical Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering, which has members in Sønderborg and Odense.

Job abstractJV_description
We are seeking innovative and visionary Assistant or Associate Professors for the section SDU Electrical Engineering in Sønderborg. The section has about 40 staff including senior (full and associate professors), junior (assistant professors and Post Docs) academic staff, PhDs and support staff. This is expected to grow to more than 60 in a few years. The financial foundation for this growth as well as for the development of new research and test laboratories in key disciplines for Industrial Electronics has been secured. On this basis, we strive for unique and excellent value in research, innovation and education.

It is our vision that Electrical Engineering at SDU will excel in areas of key relevance for companies in the region of Southern Denmark and beyond.

Candidates are thus required to have a proven research record in at least one of the following fields:

  • Motors design
  • Motor control
  • Failure and reliability analysis 
  • Thermal management 
  • Simulation

The candidates must have a PhD in engineering or natural sciences. Commensurate with the seniority of the position applied for, we also expect:

- An outstanding research and publication track record - Extensive experience with industrial collaboration

- A solid record of teaching in the field of electrical engineering - A strong track record of attracting research funding

Appointment to the positions will be in accordance with the salary agreement between the Ministry of Finance and the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations.

A panel will assess the qualification of the candidate for the described post based on the submitted material, which should include:

  • ideas for research and development activities
  • a Curriculum Vitae and statement of motivation
  • an account of significant contributions to the development of Electrical Engineering
  • an account of significant contributions to innovation in Industrial Electronics
  • an account of experience in education and outreach
  • relevant diplomas
  • a list of publications.

For information about the Mads Clausen Institute, which encompasses SDU Electrical Engineering please see For specific information on section and centre, please visit and You are also welcome to contact the Head of the CIE, Associate Professor Thomas Ebel (ebel (at), +45 93 50 72 05) for further information.

Assistant professorship 
The assistant professorship is a 3-year temporary position and requires completion of the Danish University Teaching Education certificate as part of the position.

Associate professorship
The associate professorship is a permanent position with obligation to research and teaching. Applicants for the associate professorship are required to possess research qualifications at level equivalent to what is achieved by a satisfactorily completed period of employment as assistant professor. Also, applicants are required to have received supervision and pedagogical upgrading and to have obtained a positive assessment of his or her teaching qualifications.

Requirements for the position
Employment as an assistant professor and associate professor requires scientific qualifications at PhD level.
Applications will be assessed by an expert committee.
The committee may request additional information, and if so, it is the responsibility of the applicant to provide the necessary material. Applicants will be informed of their assessment by the Faculty.
Shortlisting may be used. Shortlisted applicants will be assessed by an assessment panel.
As part of the overall assessment of the applicant’s qualifications, the applicant may be called for interview.

Conditions of employment
The successful applicant will be employed in accordance with the agreement between the Ministry of Finance and the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations.

If the successful applicant does not have documented teaching experience which corresponds to associate professor level the applicant can be employed on trial for the first 18 months.

Your application must be uploaded through the link “Apply Online”. Attached files must be in Adobe PDF or Word format. Please read guidelines for applicants.

All pdf-files must be unlocked and allow binding and may not be password protected.

In case you have more than one file per field you need to combine the pdf-files into a single file, as each field handles only one file.

Each box can only contain a single file of max. 10 Mb.

The applications must include:
• Application
• Detailed Curriculum Vitae
• Certificates/Diplomas (MSc and PhD) - Danish or English transcripts
• Information on previous teaching experience, please attach as Teaching portfolio
• List of publications indicating the publications attached
• Examples of the most relevant publications. Please attach one pdf-file for each publication, a possible co-author statement must be a part of this pdf-file
• Other relevant qualifications

The University wishes our staff to reflect the diversity of society and thus welcomes applications from all qualified candidates regardless of personal background.

The application must be in English.

Further information for international applicants about entering and working in Denmark.

Further information about The Faculty of Engineering.

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: Syddansk Universitet

source: DK-STAR


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