Arbejde ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER unspecified Institut for Menneskerettigheder -Danmarks Nationale Menneskerettighedsinstitution - jobtilbud
reference: 4903608
documentId: 4903608
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1541763674463
stillingsbetegnelse: ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER
We are looking for a new colleague, who can assist the Sustainable Development department at the Danish Institute for Human Rights in administrative tasks and coordination.
You will join the Sustainable Development department at the Danish Institute for Human Rights, and assist us in consolidating our growing project portfolio by providing administrative support to our Department Director and programme staff. We value quality in our work, and strive to establish an inspiring and supportive work environment. The job requires structure, overview and attention to detail, service mindedness and planning skills.
The Sustainable Development department works in the interrelated fields of human rights and sustainable development, and believe that one cannot be realized without the other.
We work with strategic partners, including UN agencies, national authorities, civil society networks and national human rights institutions. We develop tools and analysis, engage in global dialogues on sustainable development, and build capacity to integrate human rights into sustainable development processes and initiatives around the world. We are ambitious and multi-facetted in our approach – and smooth day-to-day coordination and administration is key to the continuing growth of our projects, partnerships and activities.
- Support project management and administrative flows in the department – assisting in budgeting and planning, travel preparations, multi-lingual publications, reporting, contracting and communicating with consultants and suppliers etc.
- Support coordination of activities in the department – this includes preparing department meetings, writing minutes, keeping track of follow-up on meeting decisions, keeping websites updated, etc.
- Provide logistical and practical support to the implementation of activities, including meetings, workshops and seminars; communication to external stakeholders, etc.
You have a relevant educational and professional background, for example an office- or administrative degree, fluency in Danish and English, and preferably also some knowledge of Spanish or French. Experience with development organisations and with electronic document management systems, e.g. Public 360°, Excel, Indfak and RejsUd is an advantage.
- You are a team player who thrive ensuring that everything is running smoothly
- You are well organised and good at following through on initiatives and tasks
- You pay attention to detail without losing sight of the overall objective
- You are comfortable with multi-tasking and short deadlines
- You are able to be pro-active and work independently.
You will be based at the Danish Institute for Human Rights’ headquarters in Copenhagen within the Sustainable Development department.
The position is a part-time position, 30 hrs per week, and we are looking for a candidate that can start as soon as possible. Salary and employment conditions are set in accordance with qualifications, and based on the Danish Ministry of Finance’s agreement with the Union of Commercial and Clerical Employees in Denmark (HK Stat).
APPLICATION DEADLINE Please submit your application, CV and diplomas no later than 12.00 CET 19 November 2018 by using the form found on this page. Application and CV should be submitted in English.
The Danish Institute for Human Rights appreciates diversity in the workplace. If qualified, we strongly encourage you to apply for the position.
CONTACT Department Director, Sustainable Development, Birgitte Feiring, bife (at)
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: parttime
Arbejdsgiver Navn:
Institut for Menneskerettigheder -Danmarks Nationale Menneskerettighedsinstitution
source: DK-STAR
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