Jobs Doc. Cons. v/Huu Tri Nguyen - jobtilbud
På TRY kan du finde alle jobtilbud fra Doc. Cons. v/Huu Tri Nguyen, hvilke er tilgængelige på dette tidspunkt i Danmark. Du kan se 1 jobtilbud Doc. Cons. v/Huu Tri Nguyen.
Nurse / doctors for scanningsjob at scanningsklinik in Hvidovre and Copenhagen -
Alment lægearbejde
Midwife, Nurse, or Doctor: works as sonograf.We are looking for a midwife, nurse or doctor who wants to work in a scanningsclinic in Hvidovre, and Copenhagen.You must have experience in fetal scanning from 5 weeks untill 40 weeks.You must be able to perform
Doc. Cons. v/Huu Tri Nguyen - 2016-02-11 - Hovedstaden