Jobs Bornholms Hospital - jobtilbud
På TRY kan du finde alle jobtilbud fra Bornholms Hospital, hvilke er tilgængelige på dette tidspunkt i Danmark. Du kan se 4 jobtilbud Bornholms Hospital.
Senior Consultant in Orthopedic Surgery wanted for Bornholm\'s Hospital -
Arbejde inden for biovidenskab
Senior Consultant in Orthopedic Surgery wanted for Bornholms Hospital About the position: This position will be full-time or part-time, on call from your dwelling. You will only be responsible for orthopedic surgery patients; the amount of work on workdays
Bornholms Hospital - 2016-02-11 - Hovedstaden
Specialist in Pulmonary Medicine -
Arbejde inden for biovidenskab
Are you Bornholm\'s Hospital new Specialist in Pulmonary Medicine? The Medical Department at Bornholm’s Hospital wishes to hire a specialist in pulmonary medicine, from the 1. May 2014 or after the agreement terms laid down in the labour market agreement.
Bornholms Hospital - 2016-02-11 - Hovedstaden
Facharzt für Innere Medizin -
Bornholms Hospital sucht zum 01.01.2015 oder später einen Facharzt für Innere Medizin, gern mit weiterer Subspezialisierung (dies ist jedoch nicht zwingend erforderlich). Die medizinische Abteilung verfügt über insgesamt 58 Betten
Bornholms Hospital - 2016-02-11 - Hovedstaden
Senior Consultant in Orthopedic Surgery wanted for Bornholm\'s Hospital -
Arbejde inden for biovidenskab
Senior Consultant in Orthopedic Surgery wanted for Bornholm’s Hospital About the position: This position will be full-time or part-time, on call from your dwelling. You will only be responsible for orthopedic surgery patients; the amount of work on
Bornholms Hospital - 2016-02-11 - Hovedstaden