Arbejde UPS Technical Trainer unspecified SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC IT DENMARK ApS - jobtilbud

id: NDkyNDc0NiA3

reference: 4924746

documentId: 4924746

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1546512487096

stillingsbetegnelse: UPS Technical Trainer


Do you want to become a key figure in the continuous development in Schneider Electric as you train international colleagues and clients in our Uninterrupted Power Systems? 

And do you want to be a front runner in the development of digital training programmes that improve product understanding across global locations? 

All you need is relevant UPS experience and a desire to use your technical skills to teach others. We will make sure you get thorough onboarding and training. 

“Quite simply, we will make you an expert in UPS. But this doesn’t happen from one day to the next. We realise that our products are complex, and we will give you all the training and preparation time you need.”– Dominique de Roquefeuil, Service Training Director for Europe 

Make a difference – join Schneider Electric

At Schneider Electric, we help our customers manage their energy in ways that are safe, reliable, efficient and sustainable – to bring about a positive impact on our larger society. 

At our Kolding office in Denmark, you join the Global Field Services’ training department along with other product trainers and report to the Service Training Director for Europe.  

“We have some great training and lab facilities waiting for you in Kolding. People travel here from all over the world, and you get to show them how we create the future of UPS technology.”

Combine the right mix of lab training with digital training Your focus will be on training after-sales engineers, partners and end users globally in EMEA (Europe, Middle East & Africa), enabling them to start up, troubleshoot and service our equipment. During courses, which last from 5 to 10 days, you will combine digital preparation, classroom teaching and hands-on lab training. 

Moreover, you will spend much of your time researching our new products, preparing courses, preparing the lab, learning new safety regulations, liaising with R&D and, not least, supporting and discussing training methods with other trainers. Specifically, you: 

  • Deliver UPS product training courses to our after-sales engineers, partners and end users
  • Design UPS product training courses, piloting and implementing them along with your colleagues
  • Develop new digital training programmes and courses in Schneider Electric’s UPS and product models
  • Ensure that participants have a meaningful experience throughout the entire course from preparation, to training and evaluation
  • Help ensure the smooth running of the department, e.g. by consistently promoting safety aspects and obtaining feedback from course participants

 “This is an opportunity to create the future training methods in Schneider. You get to experiment with many different digital technologies. You may find that webinars give the best results or even explore the possibilities of virtual reality.”
– Dominique

Career opportunities and focus on development

At Schneider Electric, we want the best employees. That is why we never compromise on education and personal development, and we work targeted and structured with educational plans from day 1. As a technical trainer, you will constantly develop your professional competencies and have focus on your personal development.UPS experience and a digital mindsetYou have a digital mindset, and you are looking forward to discovering digital methods and how to implement them into the SE training processes.  

  • You have an engineering background or a background within an electro-technical field
  • You have 5 years of field experience working with UPS or electrical power systems
  • You have an interest in working as a trainer but raining experience is not an absolute must
  • You speak English fluently

 As you will be working with and conducting training for people from very different backgrounds, it is important that you have a cultural understanding, patience and good communication skills.  


If you have any questions regarding the position, please contact Dominique de Roquefeuil, Service Training Director, on +33 4 7618 4229 Read more about us and meet some of our employees at  

Please apply before 31 January 2019 by clicking “Søg online” and send us your motivated cover letter, CV and diplomas.  

We are looking forward to hearing from you.

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime


source: DK-STAR


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