Arbejde Training and Development Partner who see possibilities and is ready to challenge existing standards unspecified NOVO NORDISK A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4962220
documentId: 4962220
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1552995346683
Training and Development Partner who see possibilities and is ready to challenge existing standards
Are you interested in setting high business ethics standards in Novo Nordisk? And are you eager to use your training and development expertise to ensure strong business ethics globally? Then, the position as Training and Development Partner in the Business Ethics Compliance Office (BECO) might be of interest to you.
About the department:
BECO develops and leads the implementation of Novo Nordisk’s global business ethics strategy and compliance programme, which focuses on the prevention of fraud, bribery, and off-label promotion. BECO is also responsible for Novo Nordisk’s global systems and processes related to tracking of payments to healthcare professionals, as well as compliance with data protection regulations.
BECO consists of 18 dedicated employees in Denmark and is part of Business Assurance (BA) and further has a support team of nine people in our Global Service Center in India. BA’s aspiration is to safeguard the Novo Nordisk values and license to operate by providing compliance and assurance services across the company. In addition to BECO, BA consists of Group Internal Audit, Facilitation and Organisational Audit. The global compliance organisation consists of approx. 150 employees across the world.
The Position:
As the Training and Development Partner it will be your responsibility to drive the development and implementation of the global business ethics compliance training and competency development programme.
You will prepare and develop engaging training concepts and build interactive learning solutions that reflect business and segmented target group needs. You will also develop content, storylines, templates and processes for the solutions as well as be responsible for train-the-trainer support and manager training. Furthermore, you will help to further develop and set direction for our business ethics mindset programme.
You will be exposed to a unique opportunity for personal and professional development working in a high-performance culture where we take pride in being a great place to work and deliver high impact and value to Novo Nordisk.
Some international travel can be expected (app. 8-12 days a year).
Preferable you hold a Master degree in Business Administration, IT, HR, Training or similar. You have a good understanding of business ethics compliance as well as a strong project and change management track record combined with solid IT technical competencies.
You have a strong learning and development advisory background and ability to work in a global setting, as well as experience in developing and implementing global educational and training programmes incl. apps, e-learning, face-to-face training and workshops.
You enjoy working in cross-functional teams with many stakeholders and you are experienced in navigating among different stakeholders across a global organisation. You are proactive, result-oriented and have excellent command of written and spoken English with the ability to communicate complex matters in a simple and compelling way.
Working at Novo Nordisk
At Novo Nordisk, we have been changing diabetes since 1923. If you are ready to strengthen our position as an innovative pioneer and respected industry leader, we encourage you to join us to make the most of your talent. At Novo Nordisk, your skills, dedication and ambition help us change lives for the better. In exchange, we offer you an opportunity to work with extraordinary talent and benefit from a range of possibilities for professional and personal development.
For further information, please contact Theis Møller-Hansen on +45 3075 0385..
07 April 2019
Millions rely on us
To work for Novo Nordisk you will need the skills, dedication and ambition to change lives for the better for millions of patients living with diabetes and other chronical diseases. In exchange, we offer the chance to be part of a truly global workplace, where passion and engagement are met with opportunities for professional and personal development.
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: NOVO NORDISK A/S
source: DK-STAR
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