Arbejde The Embassy of Slovenia in Copenhagen is recruiting a Project Manager /Communication Officer unspecified Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Copenhagen - jobtilbud

id: NDkxOTU0MiA3

reference: 4919542

documentId: 4919542

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1545051367590

The Embassy of Slovenia in Copenhagen is recruiting a Project Manager /Communication Officer


We are looking for a colleague with a university degree, structured and with excellent planning, organizational and analytical skills.

Position: Project Manager /Communication Officer Type of employment: 40 hours/week on a local contract  Tentative starting date: March 2019   Location: Embassy of Slovenia, Amaliegade 6, 1260 Copenhagen Deadline for application: 10 January 2019

Under the supervision of the Ambassador and in close cooperation of diplomats responsible for Political and Economic Affairs, the Project Manager/Communication Officer will be responsible for:

  • Developing and implementing communication plans, media strategies and projects of economic diplomacy, i. e . trade and investments promotion;
  • Developing and implementing the Embassy’s activities related to trade and cultural promotion, as well as public affairs, including through project/event management and administration;
  • Establishing and maintaining a network of contacts with trade and cultural representatives in key institutions, organisations and businesses;
  • Developing and designing promotional materials, ensuring the “I feel Slovenia” identity or other Slovenian brand names;
  • Monitoring Danish (and if applicable other Nordic) print/TV/Electronic and Audio media;
  • Highlighting and analysing newsworthy items/trends to relevant staff;
  • Assisting with political and economic research and reporting;
  • Assisting in managing the Embassy’s social media channels;
  • Maintaining, updating and developing appropriate material for the Danish, other Nordic languages (if applicable) and English version of the Embassy's website and/or social media;
  • Responsibility for the Embassy's information material and its distribution

We are looking for a colleague with the following qualifications:

  • A university degree in economics, communication, journalism, political science, law or other social sciences/relevant field;
  • At least 3 years of professional experience in relevant field;
  • Knowledge and experience in event planning and budgeting;
  • Excellent command of Danish and English (reading, writing and speaking). Proficiency in Slovenian is not required, but will be considered advantage. Knowledge of Swedish, Norwegian or Finnish will be also considered advantage;
  • Excellent communication skills;
  • Excellent command of MS office programs;
  • Considered advantage: video and photo editing skills.We offer
  • An exciting and dynamic work environment with a wide range of diverse tasks
  • Great opportunities for further development of your professional and personal competences
  • Good colleagues, informal working environment. Large degree of independence in the execution of tasks
  • Employment conditions The position is 40 hours/week including paid lunch break. Local contract based on relevant legally binding labour market rules of Denmark
  • You will be enabstractJV_titled to 5 weeks of paid holiday per year
  • Your salary will reflect your qualifications, relevant experience and proven work-related resultsThe Embassy attaches great importance to equal opportunities for all and therefore welcomes applications from all qualified persons regardless of race, sex, religion, age or disability.The chosen candidate will have to present a “No Criminal Record Certificate” and pass background check by the Slovenian authorities prior to appointment.About us  The Embassy of Slovenia in Copenhagen is the official diplomatic representation of the Government of Slovenia to all the Nordic countries: Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden.
  • Questions  For any questions regarding the position, please contact the Embassy at sloembassy.copenhagen (at) or +45 33 73 01 20 (email is preferred).
  • Selected candidates will be invited for interviews – expected to take place in January or February 2019.
  • Application and recruitment process  To apply for the position, please send your application (short cover letter – max. 1 page, CV – max. 2 pages, proof of relevant education, recommendations and 2-3 references) in English to sloembassy.copenhagen (at) marked ‘Application - Project Manager /Communication Officer" no later than 10 January 2019.

For more information about the Embassy, see

numberOfPosts: 1


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positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Copenhagen

source: DK-STAR


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