Arbejde Technician for international sales projects Midtjylland SKOV A/S GLYNGØRE - jobtilbud
SKOV in Denmark is continuing its successful growth strategy, and in order to support our sales of projects, both in Denmark and internationally, our projecting department requires additional expertise for support and implementation of projects. In the projecting department our customers' needs and wishes are transformed into actual solutions in the form of systems and units. You will be part of a team of colleagues having vast knowledge of ventilation and production systems and a thorough knowledge of SKOV's products. The job includes participation in sales projects from the first preparatory drafts of the proposed solutions until the projects are delivered. The work will be carried out both independently and in close collaboration with colleagues, dealers and end customers. The primary job functions are: To dimension, equip, project and calculate heating, ventilation and production control systems. You shall assist our sales managers in the sales phase with dealers and end customers. During the sales phase, you are the technical backup for customers, dealers and sales managers, which includes participation in in-house sales meetings as well as with customers and dealers both in Denmark and abroad. Your profile: You have a technical background, preferably within heating or ventilation. You have experience with engineering and technical backup within one of the above-mentioned sectors. ? ?We expect that you are a confident IT user. You master spoken and written English. As a person, you are responsible, outgoing, customer-oriented and have great business acumen. You are the type who sees possibilities that you can change into solutions for the customer. You have good cooperation skills, are structured and robust and can keep a cool head in stressful situations. We offer you: Working on the global market and having a unique know-how and a strong range of products, SKOV can offer professional challenges and career opportunities. The company has its head office in Glyngoere, Denmark, a subsidiary in Thailand and sales offices in 10 countries. SKOV employs more than 320 skilled and dedicated members of staff who work in a culture characterised by an open, professional and respectful tone. The work environment is informal, and you are offered good working conditions with flexibility and freedom with responsibility. The company is doing well, and as the potential is great globally, we expect additional growth in the coming years. This requires the ability to set the direction, to be professional and increase efficiency. Because of this, we can offer an exciting and varied job in a dynamic and result-oriented company with an open-minded atmosphere. For the right person, it is a perfect time to get on board and influence development. Application: If you are interested in the job, please send your application, CV and relevant attachments, marked "Technician". We will be assessing the applications on an ongoing basis. So send your application as soon as possible, but no later than 29 June, 2016 to: HumanResources (at)
Arbejdsgiver Navn: SKOV A/S GLYNGØRE
Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 72 17 55 55
Job kort beskrivelse: Systemadministration
land: Danmark
region: Midtjylland
Kontrakt varighed: Fast
Kontrakttype: Fuldtid
krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet
Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark
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