Arbejde Technician for Cell Culture Development unspecified AGC Biologics A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDkyNTIxNyA3

reference: 4925217

documentId: 4925217

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1546523294256

stillingsbetegnelse: Technician for Cell Culture Development


AGC Biologics is looking for a Technician for Cell Culture Development

Would you like to participate in scientific innovation that makes a difference in patients’ lives? And do you have cell culture experience?

Then join AGC Biologics as a Technician in Upstream Process Development and become part of an international and modern organization that delivers biopharmaceutical development and manufacturing. We get it right. On time.

Collaborate with highly skilled scientists and technicians                                              

You will be part of a team of scientists and technicians developing mammalian and microbial processes. We perform studies such as media/feed optimization, process optimization by Design of Experiment in shake flasks and bioreactors, and down-scaling to define process parameter limits and process robustness. The department is also responsible for cell line development, cell banking under GMP regulations and manufacturing support. We work closely together as a team, and your main task will to be conduct experiments and practical laboratory work.

Gain insight into the industry and develop your skills 

You will work cross-functionally and on a wide range of different projects. The work is usually performed in customer projects in close collaboration with personnel from the manufacturing department as well as other development departments. Hence, alongside your team, you will gain insight and experience through a Contract Development and Manufacturing Organization, where you will collaborate closely with other development areas, including Downstream Process Development, Analytical Development and Process Transfer.

Trained laboratory technician with hands-on experience 

You are a trained laboratory technician or hold a similar degree and you have hands-on experience during your education or from a previous position as a technician. Moreover, you have experience within the following areas:

• Cell biology
• Cell cultivation at bench/pilot scale bioreactors with mammalian and/or microbial cells
• Cell Banking
• Working in compliance with quality standards and systems
• Writing protocols, procedures and other documents in proficient English

We will get to know you as a flexible colleague with a positive attitude. You work efficiently in a team, and enjoy assuming responsibility as well as performing tasks independently.

Join an international and agile organization

At AGC, you will get great opportunities to work with a wide array of tasks and challenges, and you will get experience with our various departments. Furthermore, as we plan projects and tasks together in the team, you will get the opportunity to influence your daily work. AGC offers an informal working environment where high energy and enthusiasm is part of the daily work life. We respect each other and our individual differences. At AGC, we have a flexible attitude and we help each other reach deadlines as a team. 
Contact and application

For further information regarding the position please contact Lena Nielsen, Director of Upstream Development, lnielsen (at)

We will process the applications as they arrive. Therefore, please submit your application and CV as soon as possible but no later than January 15, 2019.

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: AGC Biologics A/S

source: DK-STAR


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