Arbejde Technical Training Manager unspecified Danfoss A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4930330
documentId: 4930330
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1547465968833
stillingsbetegnelse: Technical Training Manager
(Location: Vaasa (FI) or Gråsten (DK))
Job Description
We are looking for a strong candidate to our Global Training Team to fill the position as Technical Training Manager. You can be located in Vaasa (Finland) or Graasten (Denmark). You will work in a global environment with many different touch-points.
In Danfoss Drives you will be working with developing and delivering learning on all aspects of our product portfolio within power electronics, both in technical and commercial sense. We are currently undergoing a digital transformation to support our vision for Global Training “We provide the best learning experience anywhere at any time”, therefore, Learning On Demand, is a key to our success. With your experience within industrial automation, not necessarily Drives, but experience with the challenges and applications in our industries, you will be working with creating technical eLearning’s for desktop and mobile platforms, videos, training presentations and handbooks as well as solutions within VR/AR and application simulation. It will be your responsibility to gather all related content from all touchpoints in the organization, as well as building your own knowledge through self-learning/working with our products to gain necessary knowledge.
Your main responsibilities will be (but not limited to):
- Prepare Face to Face trainings
- Deploy Face to Face trainings mainly in local Training Center but also in other locations when relevant
- Develop training content for new trainings (eLearning, Adaptive learning, Face to Face, Virtual Reality, etc.)
- Develop training content of existing trainings
- Participate product development projects (training part)
We are looking for high quality while maintaining a strong flow of content creation, a twist of project management capabilities and flair for Graphical design and layout.
Experience, Self-driven and good communication skills
There is more than one way into this position, but in order for you to be able to handle the challenges in this particular job, we expect you to hold relevant hands-on experience. Your experience relates to training, development and eLearning design, preferably within the area of industrial automation or other technical aspects related to power electronics. Project management in automation, or experience in Product management, applications etc. is beneficial.
On a more personal note, you have a good drive, you are eager to learn and can embrace the ongoing changes and challenges that we meet daily. You are known for your open-mind, outgoing and communicative approach to all levels in the organization. This enables you to build relations and cooperate across cultures and geography. It is a must that you are fluent in English and willing to travel if needed.
So, can you apply the Drives usage into real business contents by using your own experience in machines and applications and thereby contribute in the discussions with colleges, partners and customers? And do you have the mindset of “This is new, I don’t know it but I can and will learn”? then you are our new Technical Training Manager at Danfoss Drives.
For further information about the position, please contact Lauri Nurmi, Global Training Manager, at +358 40 8371 645.
For information regarding the process, please contact Senior Recruiter Marika Kuusisto, at +358 40 8371 057.
Please apply at your earliest convenience. We do not have an application deadline but accept applications as long as the job is posted. The position will be closed down once we have found the right candidate.
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: Danfoss A/S
source: DK-STAR
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