Arbejde Talented E-commerce Warehouse Manager unspecified TRENDHIM ApS - jobtilbud

id: NDg4MTAyMSA3

reference: 4881021

documentId: 4881021

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1537423570293

stillingsbetegnelse: Talented E-commerce Warehouse Manager


Trendhim is looking for a talented Warehouser Manager who will be responsible for optimizing our currently 1.600m2 warehouse, 250.000 shipments per year and ensure that our 15-20 warehouse personnel are thriving.

You know how to optimize a warehouse and procedures around logistics. You understand the economy in optimizing the flow in the warehouse from receiving new goods to the final shipment. Besides that, you know how to lead the team to make them enjoy working at the best e-commerce warehouse in DK.

Experience with warehouse, leadership and economy is a must, and a genuine interest for e-commerce is a plus. As we’re growing rapidly you have to be able to understand what kind of impact the decisions you take now, has when orders double og quadouble times.



Trendhim designs accessories for men and sells directly to consumers online. With 5000 products and 10 brands, we help customers in 24 countries and 18 languages. We're a fast growing E-commerce company, and the last 3 years growth has been +100% per year and we've grown from just 3 employees to 35 today. In 2017 we were nominated the 10th fastest growing company in Denmark. Everything is run from our office and warehouse in Horsens, Denmark.


You can read more about our vision, DNA, history and culture in our Atlas and Brand Manual:

Your responsibilities

Today responsibilities of a warehouse manager are covered by different people who already has too much to do. So we need a person to take the lead on these responsibilities:

  • Running the warehouse
  • Optimizing your most important metric, packing cost / order
  • Optimizing processes and workflows
  • Optimizing the warehouse (business grows more than our warehouse)
  • Staff responsibility of bough full and part timers
  • Shift planning
  • Budgeting and the economy of the warehouse
  • Buying and optimizing wrapping and packaging  
  • Coordination of logistics and shipments



You and your qualifications

We expect you to be the one who stays calm and keeps a cool overview when Christmas season goes crazy, systems break down or people get sick. You juggle seeing the world through an excel sheet with knowing that it’s all about people. You know when to get in the game, take a sunday shift, and get your hands dirty and when to step back and lead.


We drive in the high speed lane, juggle more projects simultaneously and work with sharp deadlines. We don’t wait and ship to tomorrow because we can’t make it today.

Most importantly we expect you to keep a sharp focus on our most important metric, our packing cost per order, expect you to constantly have a plan for improvement.

  • You see opportunities others does not.
  • You love optimization and structure.
  • You understand that optimizing the work and making people thrive is linked.
  • You have leadership experience and highly prioritize workplace satisfaction.
  • You are interested in E-commerce.
  • You do well in a young dynamic team.
  • Your english is fluent in writing and speaking.
  • You keep calm and work well under pressure.
  • You expect that your workplace makes sure you have the gear and gadgets needed to ensure maximum efficiency.
  • You are a positive human being who likes to be around positive people.


We offer

  • Challenges and responsibilities.
  • To become part of a very strong e-commerce team.
  • To get really awesome colleagues.
  • To grow in a flexible, ever-changing high growth E-commerce business.
  • Never to go down on gear.
  • Very high influence and a culture with short way from idea to action.
  • Salary according to your qualifications.


Interested? Send us a quick email at job (at) with your CV/Resume and a short abstractJV_description of why you belong at Trendhim. Please write “Warehouse Manager” as the topic.

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: TRENDHIM ApS

source: DK-STAR


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