Arbejde Swedish speaking Support Assistant required for library system unspecified SYSTEMATIC A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDkzNTIzNyA3

reference: 4935237

documentId: 4935237

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1548325087596

Swedish speaking Support Assistant required for library system


Are you passionate about the value of a modern IT library solution for its users? Do you have the skills needed to build good relationships with users? And are you familiar with the library sector? If so, we have the perfect job for you.

You will make a difference for our users
As a Support Assistant, you will be the one our Swedish users contact in order to maximise their use of the library system Cicero. You will apply your knowledge of the library sector to familiarise yourself with the users' situation and ensure that Cicero continues to support workflows in Swedish school libraries. Your day-to-day work will involve a variety of unpredictable tasks, giving you insight into every support process from the moment a case comes in through to its resolution. What is more, you will have the opportunity to work across several business units, gaining experience of a variety of users and IT solutions as you go.You will join an experienced support team that works according to ITIL best practice. There are five people on the team, each with a range of skills in service operation, application support, and library operations. You will have ample opportunity to discuss your tasks with the team and will also enjoy broad interaction with developers, IT support staff, business partners, and customers.

Here is a taste of what you will be doing:

  • Providing 1st and 2nd level support to our Swedish customers
  • Receiving, registering, and referring cases
  • Communicating with and informing users
  • Ensuring that we work in accordance with the stipulated procedures and comply with our SLA

The role is flexible to the extent that you will be given the option of working at our offices in Aarhus or Copenhagen. You will also have the opportunity to work from home at times.

Be challenged at a dynamic IT company
At Systematic, our emphasis is on making everything better. We have a passion for developing the strongest solutions for our customers. This is why we work with CMMI and the best aspects of Lean, Scrum, and ITIL. We challenge each other, our work processes, and our technologies to ensure that we retain our position at the forefront of development. For you as an IT Support Assistant, this means that you will have the opportunity to influence your day-to-day work and have the freedom to make decisions. You will receive administrator and super-user training in Cicero and get the opportunity to bounce ideas around with world-class colleagues. You will have an exciting working day in which close co-operation is paramount in ensuring that we make a difference.

Service-minded, systematic, and Swedish speaking
Our ideal candidate will be someone who has had relevant training as an IT support assistant or similar. You have experience with application support, are familiar with the library field, and have knowledge of ITIL and 1st level support. You can also speak and write fluent Swedish and English. Looking at your personal qualities, you are someone who focuses on quality, who is very service-minded, and who works systematically. You take a structured approach to work and are skilled at prioritising your tasks and identifying those that are most important. You are someone who enjoys seeing your tasks through to their completion, putting yourself in the user's shoes, and asking investigative questions. You are at home in an outgoing role which has a broad contact base, and are good at creating dialogue with all types of users. You can demonstrate persistence whilst remaining patient and attentive. In addition, you enjoy working in a dynamic environment with unpredictable tasks.

Knowledge of one or more of the following technologies is a plus, but not a requirement: Cherwell, Jira, Kibana, New Relic, and/or SQL. We will give you a thorough introduction when you start to fill in any gaps. It is also an advantage if you can understand Danish.

We work with security-classified projects, and therefore, you as an employee at Systematic need to have security clearance. Read more here:

Have we not answered all of your questions?
You are always welcome to contact us at tel. +45 8943 2000 and ask for Johnni Brobak Nielsen, Project Manager. We continuously assess applications, as we wish to fill the position as soon as possible. Place of work is Aarhus or Copenhagen depending on what you prefer. We look forward to hearing from you.

Since we wrote our first line of code in 1985, privately owned Systematic A/S has grown to an international software house with more than 1000 colleagues with 27 different nationalities, spread across offices in 11 countries and with customers all over the world. Our goal is simple: To improve the world with exceptional software. We deliver software and system solutions for customers within the public sector, the health sector, the defence, the police, the financial sector and the service sector and there are more than 1.000.000 users' worldwide. We work on a foundation of trust, where we have freedom and responsibility for making decisions in our everyday lives. We are dedicated to making a difference and dare to challenge technology, each other and ourselves. As a new employee at Systematic, helpful colleagues welcome you, and you can look forward to both a mentor arrangement and all the support you need. Together, we can develop and fulfil your potential and make Systematic even better.


numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: SYSTEMATIC A/S

source: DK-STAR


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