Arbejde Supply Chain Data Specialist unspecified Vestas Wind System A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDkzMTAyNiA3

reference: 4931026

documentId: 4931026

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1547551122220

stillingsbetegnelse: Supply Chain Data Specialist


Would you like to influence Vestas' future end-to-end SIOP (Sales and inventory Operations Planning) solution within the service & repair business? Are you ambitious about developing the next generation second-to-none SIOP solution to secure maximum customer satisfaction? And are you passionate about turning demand and sales pipeline into a fact-based supply plan - in an international environment? Then please look at this exciting career opportunity with a leading supplier of sustainable energy!

Service > Service Operations > Supply Chain & Repair > SIOP
Supply Chain & Repair is part of Vestas' growing and dynamic Service Business Unit. We support the organisation by securing timely availability on spares & repaired main components. The repaired main components are from both internal and external repair providers including down-tower, up-tower and on-site repairs.

As our new supply chain colleague, you will become part of our ambitious team dedicated to develop & implement the future SIOP solution covering a global, regional & local solution. To do so you need to deliver agile, accurate analyses, so that our consolidated demand- and sales pipeline data forms basis for the financial outlook that enable the executive management to make decisions deriving from valid, factual data.

You will have a high degree of stakeholder interaction and a diverse nature of activities requiring you to be able to communicate effectively across the organisation, and prioritise while keeping focus on quality of results.

Your main responsibility will be to consolidate demand and sales pipeline data into a supply plan. In addition, you will be working with:

  • converting and quantifying demand into financial figures
  • provide fact based opportunities and risks on the supply plan
  • create scenario plans including risk assessment and analyses
  • challenge data quality and financial impact
  • review critical resources and scalability
  • identify demand gaps and supply issues, and review stock targets
  • lead and engage in pro-active stakeholder management
  • define organisational opportunities/demands as result of the analyses


The ideal candidate possesses the following qualifications:

  • Bachelor or MSc. degree in Supply Chain Management, Manufacturing Engineering, Business Administration or similar and/or relevant theoretical training
  • Approximately +5 years' relevant experience with supply chain analysis from a global organisation, preferably within the SIOP/S&OP area
  • Solid practical experience analysing and managing supply planning
  • Experience from the wind- or a related industry is advantageous
  • Familiar with MS Office combined with a significant experience within the area of SAP ERP / SAP IBP systems or similar
  • Experience with IT applications within Demand Management & Stock Optimisation


  • Strong ability to manage competing priorities in an ever-changing environment
  • Excellent communicator who can manage and influence stakeholders across multiple levels
  • Results-oriented, self-driven, and with a strong incentive to get things done
  • Analytical skills, strong business acumen and end-2-end supply chain understanding
  • Ability to secure the necessary "data clean-up" and establish a solid foundation for Master Data Quality and IT Support Solutions
  • Strong networker and able to maintain and develop productive relations across teams and regions

What we offer

We offer an exciting and challenging job with excellent opportunities for professional and personal development within a leading company in sustainable energy. You will face a task with a unique opportunity to set your footprints within an essential area in Vestas. You will be an integral part of an international team, with a "can-do" attitude who are keen to make a difference

Additional information
Your primary work location will be Aarhus, Denmark.

For additional information about the position, please contact Head of SIOP Steen Winkler at +45 52261296


About Vestas

Vestas is the energy industry's global partner on sustainable energy solutions. We design, manufacture, install, and service wind turbines across the globe, and with 97 GW of wind turbines in 79 countries, we have installed more wind power than anyone else.

Through our industry-leading smart data capabilities and unparalleled 83 GW of wind turbines under service, we use data to interpret, forecast, and exploit wind resources and deliver best-in-class wind power solutions. Together with our customers, Vestas' more than 24,400 employees are bringing the world sustainable energy solutions to power a bright future.

We invite you to learn more about Vestas by visiting our website at and following us on our social media channels.


numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: Vestas Wind System A/S

source: DK-STAR


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