Arbejde Student worker, Marketing Effectiveness unspecified LEGO SYSTEM A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4892830
documentId: 4892830
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1539683884373
stillingsbetegnelse: Student worker, Marketing Effectiveness
Student worker, Marketing Effectiveness
We are looking for an ambitious student with interest in data, analytics, insight generation, and a strong business understanding.
Global Marketing Intelligence and Effectiveness:
You will be part of the LEGO Group’s global marketing effectiveness team, which has 10 engaged employees based in the corporate headquarter in Billund. Furthermore, you will work closely with markets across the world and our media agency, Initiative Junior.
Job content:
Job tasks will be both within daily on-going tasks as well as ad hoc projects. They could be:
• Daily communication and collaboration with markets in relation to media data alignment
• Working with multiple data sources
• Data validation across markets and media agency
• Quality check of new reports
• Stakeholder management across global/local marketing functions
• Follow-up and resolving data planning issues
Relevant profile:
You have 2 - 3 years left of your studies. You have a strong business understanding and interest and are structured and analytical in your working approach. You like to dive into the numbers, analyze them and to solve problems. It is expected that you are a super user of the MS office tools – especially Excel.
You are probably well under way with either a more analytical education or a relevant academic marketing education (Cand.merc, Cand.negot, Cand.oecon). You might already have relevant marketing or analytic experience.
You are ambitious, goal oriented, show engagement and demonstrate positive thinking and a can-do attitude. You see great challenges in being tasked with marketing/data problems, learn from them and contribute to their solution. You are a strong collaborator and enjoy working across a number of key stakeholders.
The position offers a great opportunity to work across the LEGO marketing organization as well as finance and It functions. It also offers the opportunity to build a strong understanding of the LEGO marketing planning process across the full marketing value chain. Finally, it will offer the opportunity to learn more about the marketing effectiveness discipline as well as building analytical and technical skills
Strong English skills are a prerequisite, both verbally and in writing, as it is the official company language. It is expected that you use English in your reporting and communication tasks as well as in your communication with foreign vendors and stakeholders.
Working hours:
The job is 15 – 20 hours pr. week within normal office hours. We are flexible around your working days and understand the importance of the balance between job and your studies. The job does however require that certain tasks can be done on a daily basis.
For further information, please contact Karen-Sofie Bolm 52159767 or Preben Møller 20308769
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: parttime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: LEGO SYSTEM A/S
source: DK-STAR
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