Arbejde Student Assistant for Carlsberg Research Laboratory unspecified CARLSBERG BREWERIES A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4919579
documentId: 4919579
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1545053770593
Student Assistant for Carlsberg Research Laboratory
Student Assistant for Raw Materials group, Carlsberg Research Laboratory, Copenhagen
Do you want to become a new member of our breeding group and make Carlsberg Research Laboratory (CRL) a hub for great brewing relevant barley research and innovation – and do you have a passion for probably the best beer? Do you want to work in an international setting with a real opportunity to contribute from day one? Then you might be our new colleague.
We are looking for extra student assistants to help us with practical tasks of barley breeding at Carlsberg Research Laboratory. We hold a leading position in the conventional development and breeding of malting barley. Using up-to-date growth and screening facilities and unique scientific expertise we perform breeding for future needs.
A student job at Carlsberg offers valuable insights into the running of a global company and you will be surrounded by competent and ambitious colleagues. You will work closely with scientists, lab technicians within a group of other student assistants to make sure you gain insight in the many aspects of our work and you will become an integrated part of the team.
We are looking for an energetic and dedicated student assistant. The tasks will among other things include laboratory work, working in greenhouse, processing of harvested plant material, yearly harvest of our field trials, other active duties in- and outside of Carlsberg Research Laboratory.
The ideal candidate:
- Will be able to work 10-15 hours weekly
- Can work independently and in good cooperation with colleagues
- Has a strong drive and is eager to learn
- Has a healthy attitude towards laboratory as well as physical work
- Do not have pollen allergies
- Students with more than 12 months study time remaining are preferred
We offer:
- An active and scientific working environment
- Access to a large, global network of colleagues
- Flexible hours, good employment and working conditions
- The number of hours is flexible (e.g. exam periods as well as seasonal periods in the team)
Application deadline: As soon as possible.
Working hours: 10-15 hours per week (high season periods require more hours)
Location: Carlsberg Research Laboratory, Valby, Copenhagen
Please send your application and CV to the link provided below. For additional information about the position, Breeding Manager Pai Rosager Pedas (Pai.Rosager.Pedas (at) or Senior Technician Annette G. Jørgensen (AnnetteGliese.Jorgensen (at)
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
source: DK-STAR
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