Arbejde Student Assistant – Finance unspecified GN STORE NORD A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4927994
documentId: 4927994
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1547032165590
stillingsbetegnelse: Student Assistant – Finance
Do you want to put your theoretical knowledge to the test and take the first step of a career in finance? And would you like to do so in a global organization where you get to collaborate with colleagues across functions?
Join our financial support function
At our headquarters in Ballerup, you will join our Finance Systems team, which is a support function for our Global Finance department. The team consists of six colleagues situated in Denmark and eight colleagues in the UK and China – you will be working primarily with your Danish colleagues. Together, we are responsible for our Financial platforms and as such, we interact with a wide range of internal stakeholders e.g. our colleagues in Global Finance, Marketing, IT and Global Operations.
Help solve financial issues
As a student assistant, you will be involved in every aspect of the team’s tasks. Doing so, you will participate in the projects we work on and cooperate not only with team members but also cross-functionally throughout GN. You will also assist in the monthly and annual reporting, and in this way, your tasks will vary as you:
• Help ensure specifications are met on various current projects
• Cooperate with Finance, Marketing and IT to ensure that our financial reporting methods, reports and processes are up to date
• Carry out financial analysis to be used in PowerPoint presentations and meetings
• Generate monthly reports and various documentation
Learn and involve as part of a team of financial experts
You become part of a multicultural team where experienced colleagues are ready to share their knowledge and expertise with you. This is not just the case in your own team but throughout the entire Global Finance department where you will find an additional 20+ colleagues. This provides you with an instructive work environment where you will receive continuous mentoring and instant feedback on your work, giving you room to grow and develop.
“This is a great place to work and grow both professionally and personally. As a team, we listen to key stakeholders and challenge the areas where we see room for improvement, providing you with the opportunity to help ensure financial transformation in a global company,” says Senior Specialist, Prabhu Gopalakrishnan.
Eager to learn and a keen analytical mindset
It is important that you have great social skills and that you enjoy collaborating with colleagues across functions and cultures. Problem-solving comes naturally to you as you can easily spot room for improvement, and you have the ability to listen to and understand the customer and their needs. Also, you need to be analytical and have a good understanding of IT and financial technologies.
• You are currently taking a master’s degree within a relevant area such as business controlling, business administration or similar
• You master Excel and PowerPoint
• You speak and write English fluently
Would you like to know more?
To apply, use the ‘APPLY’ link no later than 18 01 2019. Applications are assessed on a continuous basis, which is why we encourage you to send your application as soon as possible. If you want to know more about the position, you are welcome to contact Senior Specialist, Prabhu Gopalakrishnan on + 45 4031 4860, or Senior Director, Niels Paakjær Pedersen on + 45 2211 1520
GN Group
The GN Group is a global leader in intelligent audio solutions that let you hear more, do more and be more than you ever thought possible. With our unique competencies within medical, professional and consumer audio solutions, we transform lives through the power of sound.
With world leading expertise in the human ear, sound, wireless technology and miniaturization, GN's audio solutions are marketed by the brands ReSound, Beltone, Interton, Jabra and Blueparrott in 100 countries. Founded in 1869, the GN Group employs more than 5,500 people and is listed on Nasdaq Copenhagen (GN.CO).
Visit our homepage – and connect with us on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.
For the purpose of processing your job application, GN will process your personal data. We encourage you not to provide us with sensitive information (e.g. racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, health information or sexual orientation) about yourself. Your application will be transferred to the local GN office posting this job. For information about how GN processes your personal data, please read our privacy policy.
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: GN STORE NORD A/S
source: DK-STAR
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