Arbejde Specialist, Cash & Liquidity, Aarhus Midtjylland Vestas Wind Systems A/S - jobtilbud
Transactional Banking is part of Group Treasury in Vestas which include the departments Market & Counterparty Risk, Structured Finance and Corporate Finance. Group Treasury is placed in Vestas’ headquarter in Aarhus, Denmark. The departments together are responsible for all treasury and banking services within the Vestas Group. Group Treasury today consist of 23 dedicated treasury professionals primarily placed in Aarhus but we have colleagues placed in other Vestas locations. Group Treasury is now looking for a specialist within cash and liquidity management. The Transactional Banking department works with liquidity and cash management, management of cash pool and bank accounts. We have a constant focus on cash in all aspects; we manage cash short and long term and are in daily contacts with our sales and production companies as well as our banks. We collect, analyse, manage and report cash and constantly strive to maintain a clear picture of the cash situation. At the same time we work as back-office to our front office, the Market & Counterparty Risk department. Responsibilities and tasks In the Transactional Banking department your daily tasks will primarily be focusing on •Cash flow forecasting and being the focal point for this within Vestas •Cash management with specific focus at emerging markets in order to secure cash will be available to the group •Super-user for the SAP Treasury module and initiate and support further development of the system, both within Group Treasury as well as across Vestas Furthermore you will be involved in •Continuous improvement and development of the bank account and cash pool structure •Daily short term cash management •Back-office function in relation to financial transactions in SAP Treasury •Develop processes and systems in cooperation with the team to improve effectiveness of daily tasks Qualifications and work experience There can be several approaches to the job but a good understanding of and interest in liquidity and cash management is a prerequisite. Relevant experience in cash flow forecasting will be required as well and preferably experience in relation to managing ‘trapped’ cash. You could have gained that through a corporate working within treasury or through working with cash management at a bank. Across the different possible entrances to the job we have a general requirement for all applicants You have: •A thorough understanding of cash flow forecasting and the dynamics as well as superior IT skills (SAS FM, SAP BI, Excel) •Superior Microsoft Office skills and knowledge of SAP Treasury •Experience in managing projects •Strong English skills and cultural empathy whilst being part of an international organisation •As a person the discipline and carefulness required to manage multiple tasks without losing focus •A high energy level and a positive, proactive attitude •Ambitions and a flexible approach to tasks and working hours What we offer We offer an exciting job with excellent opportunities for professional and personal development in an inspiring, dynamic, high performing and international work environment in the renewable energy sector. We highly value initiative, responsibility and the right balance between creativity and quality in all solutions. You will be a part of a professional international office and organisation. You will have the possibility to develop professionally and personally in a treasury function that is continuously developing to keep up with the business requirements. Additional information Job: Finance and Accounting Primary Location: Denmark-Midtjylland-Aarhus N Unposting Date: Ongoing
Arbejdsgiver Navn: Vestas Wind Systems A/S
Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 97 30 00 00
land: Danmark
region: Midtjylland
Kontrakt varighed: Fast
Kontrakttype: Fuldtid
krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet
Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark
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