Arbejde Solutions and Product Architect Syddanmark DANFOSS A/S - jobtilbud
Are you a strong and driven professional with excellent argumentation and communication skills? Do you have a solid theoretical background within product architecture? Then you could be the Solutions and Product Architect we are looking for in Danfoss Heating Solutions. At Danfoss, we can offer you a unique position as a key player in designing and developing Danfoss’ advanced climate solutions. You will get the opportunity to put your mark on the way we conduct design and architecture within the department, and you will get the chance to gain comprehensive knowledge when working with the complete product architecture across all technical aspects of the products, such as: mechanics, electronics, software, cloud, and services. The position entails approx. 10-30 travel days per year. Ensuring efficiency in future solutions With reference to the Head of Project Management and Technology you are responsible for product and system designs for advanced heating and indoor climate solutions, as well as having the ownership of the product and system architecture You will identify business needs in the global organisation and transform customer and business requirements into technical solutions and designs. With your solid experience, you will ensure great focus on cost effective and future-proof solution architecture and designs. Your further responsibilities will include: •Identifying business opportunities and advising business in benefits and contribution •Securing effective re-use across product families through common platforms and modules •Conducting design and architecture reviews •Ensuring effective development of clear architecture and platforms •Driving and leading technical clarifications of future solutions Solid experience and costumer focus You have a Master’s degree within a relevant educational field e.g. software or product architecture or similar. Furthermore, you have several years’ experience as a software/solutions architect or senior software developer. You possess a strong knowledge of communication standards within home automation, cloud solutions, and Internet of Things (IoT) as well as experience with product architecture. As a person, you have a natural authority based on strong competencies and experience. You are quality minded and able to think pragmatically while thinking in long-term solutions. You have strong communication skills and the ability to interact with both technical specialists and top management, and you communicate effortlessly in written and spoken English. Others would characterise you as a driven person with a positive energy who likes to be challenged and to work with ambitious targets. Lastly you have a strong business understanding and an interest for heating and indoor climate systems. For further information about the position, please contact Senior Director R&D Peter C. Andersen on +45 2526 4865. Danfoss is a global leader focused on energy-efficient solutions that save energy and costs, and reduce carbon emissions. The company’s wide range of products and services are used in areas such as cooling food, air conditioning, heating buildings, controlling electric motors and powering mobile machinery. The company is also active in the field of solar and wind power as well as district heating and cooling infrastructure for cities and urban communities. Danfoss was founded in 1933 in Nordborg, Denmark. Today, the Group employs around 23,000 employees and sells its products in more than 100 countries around the world. Read more about Danfoss at Learn about our energy-efficient solutions at:
Arbejdsgiver Navn: DANFOSS A/S
Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 74888500
Job kort beskrivelse: Softwareudvikling
land: Danmark
region: Syddanmark
Kontrakt varighed: Fast
Kontrakttype: Fuldtid
krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet
Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark
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