Arbejde Service Engineer unspecified SEMCO MARITIME A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4904589
documentId: 4904589
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1542105374890
stillingsbetegnelse: Service Engineer
For our Specialized Electrical Service Team
Are you interested in joining a high-performing team committed to delivering specialized electrical services, for our clients on- and offshore within the energy sector?
In this position as service engineer, you will play an important role in our ambition to grow and develop the specialized electrical service area. You will be challenged by working with many interesting and complex applications within different part of the energy sector”.
- Mads Seneca Iversholt, Director, Service Wind
Welcome to Semco Maritime
You will be working in an international environment, and be part of a team of 6-7 technicians and engineers, who primarily works with specialized electrical service, across the different market areas and clients. In addition to the specialized electrical service team, a strong back-office team of designers and other engineers supports when needed. The team play an important role in our ambition to strengthen and grow our service profile. Our clients are placed in all part of the value chain within the energy sector (exploration, production and distribution).
Service, test and verification
The services includes among other service, test and verification of:
- LV Breakers
- Protection Relay’s for distribution line, transformers and generators in LV and HV systems
- Generator Alternator (LV and MV)
- Transformer (LV and MV)
- Converters (LV and MV)
- UPS and Battery Systems
Your workplace will be, preferably at our office in Esbjerg, alternative in Ballerup, and at our clients units and assets, which are in the field of:
- Onshore grid Systems, primarily in Denmark
- Offshore Wind Substations in the Nord Sea
- Oil & Gas Drilling Rigs located world wide
- Oil & Gas Production platforms in the Nord Sea
You must expect to travel around 50-80 days per year.
If not already you will be certified and trained for relevant product and branch, and relevant offshore training will be provided.
You have a technical mindset and work within the electrical field
We expect you hold a relevant technical education within the electrical field. You have 3-5 years of experience with test and trials on electrical systems. Experience from the marine and/or offshore industry is an advantage, but not ultimate requirement.
We provide relevant training and certificates that help you learn and develop the skills you need to take on this position. We will make and develop a competence matrix with you to ensure that you have the competencies required.
You thrive in teamwork and can identify with the phrase “success is only achieved through dedicated teamwork”.
If you have any questions about this position, please contact Mads Seneca Iversholt, Director, Service Wind, at +45 7916 6946.
We invite candidates for interviews on an ongoing basis, so please do not hesitate to apply.
We look forward to hearing from you.
About us
Semco Maritime is a project engineering company dedicated to providing the global energy sector with projects, solutions and competences.
We specialise in delivering turnkey solutions for the offshore wind, oil and gas and power generation industries.
We are headquartered in Denmark, but you will also find us in Norway, Germany, the UK, Singapore, China, Australia, Central America and the USA.
Everyone in the global Semco Maritime team is dedicated to supplying quality solutions to the energy sector to meet the increasing demand for energy.
Also see
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: SEMCO MARITIME A/S
source: DK-STAR
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