Arbejde Senior Site Reliability Engineer - Copenhagen unspecified ApS - jobtilbud
reference: 4880019
documentId: 4880019
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1537267879640
stillingsbetegnelse: Senior Site Reliability Engineer - Copenhagen
As a Senior Site Reliability Engineer, you will help build, scale, maintain and improve the infrastructure of a fast growing Customer Experience platform. You will aid us in delivering a real time, scalable, stable platform serving thousands of clients in a reliable and performant manner.
You will be using new technologies, to solve hard problems in a friendly and encouraging work environment. You will also be encouraged to share your experience and knowledge, sparring with your colleagues to grow together!
What you'll do:
- Support the Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud infrastructure, production and non production
- Follow good practices of infrastructure as a code
- Write elegant, self testing and well documented solutions
- Be mindful of the business - by communicating with your colleagues and management, help us ensure that we’re building the right thing at the right time
- Understand the complete stack and confidently uses the tool chain
- Take active part in sprint planning
- Make yourself heard. If you have knowledge, share it. Use your skills to move the company forward
- Enable less experienced colleagues through sparring and mentoring
What you have:
- 5+ years of experience at a similar role
- Expert knowledge of Amazon Web Services
- Expert knowledge of Docker containers and container orchestration tools, such as Rancher/Kubernetes
- Strong Linux background, preferably Debian/Ubuntu
- Provide tools like AWS, CLI, ChatOps etc. for the team and external stakeholders, removing friction and repetitiveness from your colleagues
- Experience with an orchestration tool such as Ansible
- Knowledge of Bash scripting and Python, having Python considered a big advantage
- Go programming experience considered a big advantage
- Knowledge of monitoring systems such as CollectD/StatsD, Graphanа; Graylog/ELK for logs
- Knowledge of web proxies such as haproxy and nginx
- Knowledge of networking- VPNs(OpenVPN), firewalls, routing and switching
- The ability to be self-driving and a critical thinker
- English language fluency
What we offer:
- Internal tech talks, skills-building resources and technical people leads who help you achieve mastery
- Open, informal and multinational working environment
- High level of responsibility and excellent career opportunities
- Flexible working hours
- Social events like Friday Bar, company outings and more
About provides a unified SaaS platform for social media listening, engaging, publishing and managing customer data. We enable our clients to explore the full potential of digital marketing by managing multiple customer touch points from one platform. Our platform has already achieved great international traction in the market, with its technology endorsed by partnerships with Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Founded as Falcon Social in Copenhagen in 2010, we now also have offices in New York City, Berlin and Budapest. We’re a highly diverse team, and we’re always looking for passionate and curious people who want to be part of a fast-paced, high-energy environment.
For any questions regarding this position, please write us on jobs (at)
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: ApS
source: DK-STAR
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