Arbejde Senior Patent Attorney - Aarhus unspecified ARLA FOODS AMBA - jobtilbud

id: NDkwNDE1NyA3

reference: 4904157

documentId: 4904157

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1542027076986

stillingsbetegnelse: Senior Patent Attorney - Aarhus


Do you know both patent work and chemistry? Then we are looking for your help to support Arla Foods,  particularly the Arla Innovation Centre(AIC) a profoundly technical part of Arla.

In this role, you help us continue to deliver the industry’s highest levels of quality, innovation and food safety on a global scale. And you will collaborate closely with the business on the further development of “The Future of Dairy”.

Deliver the freedom to operate
You join Legal IP to support AIC, as well as other corners of Arla, and secure their freedom to operate as a value-adding part of their business. All in all, you are responsible for managing all patent related activities related to AIC, and as such you will carry out a broad range of patent related activities. More specifically, this includes:

  • Working with invention harvesting, patentability assessments, prosecution of patent applications and monitoring competitor activities
  • Providing strategic advice to key decision makers, implementing IP strategies
  • Participating in key project groups and patent review foras to leverage the Intellectual Property (IP) position for the benefit of commercial objectives of Arla  
  • Defining new activities in close collaboration with the business units to ensure a strict business approach on how to use and extract value from IP
  • Driving projects and analyses from start to finish in the service of respective business units in Arla Foods, including AIC.

“We are 6 colleagues who primarily focus on R&D, Innovation, Supply Chain and Marketing – so we work on all aspects of IP. And what’s more – we have a global responsibility and so will you, as you collaborate globally with external patent agents as well as senior executives and employees across Arla” says Jakob Balling, Director, Intellectual Property at Arla.

Strong experience with patent work
This is a role that requires a lot of collaboration. Therefore, we are looking for a sociable colleague who has the insight to talk to experts as well as the communication skills to translate technical lingo for regular people to understand. More than this, you have a combination of commercial and legal awareness, so you can act as the business-oriented and systematic colleague we are looking for. Your qualifications:

  • You hold a MSc degree within biotechnology, food science, protein chemistry, chemical engineering or a related discipline – possibly supplemented with a PhD.
  • You have 5+ years of experience working as a patent attorney either in a private practice or an industry where you have established strong knowledge of all aspects of patent work.
  • It would be a plus if you are a European patent attorney or have started the process of taking the European qualifying exam.
  • A high level of proficiency in both verbal and written English is a prerequisite in this position.

If you want to seize this exciting opportunity, please apply as soon as possible. We process applications on a continuous basis and close the job opening once the right candidate has been found.

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: ARLA FOODS AMBA

source: DK-STAR


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