Arbejde Senior Medical Director to support biomarker and clinical development in NASH unspecified Novo Nordisk A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDk1OTE3OSA3

reference: 4959179

documentId: 4959179

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1552466944220

Senior Medical Director to support biomarker and clinical development in NASH


We are looking for an experienced Medical Doctor with strong research and clinical development experience. Join us and you will be part of a team of highly talented colleagues in a great working environment. We offer the opportunity for you to use your clinical and research experience, your analytical skills and your creativity to drive the clinical development of innovative treatments that will make a difference for people suffering from chronic metabolic diseases. 

In Global Development, we are responsible for managing clinical drug development worldwide all the way from early development phases to market approval, including life cycle management. We produce medical and scientific documentation for clinical submissions to authorities, ensuring that all processes live up to uniform global standards, regulations and business ethics.


About the department

Medical and Science, GLP-1 Diabetes, NADs & Complications is part of Global Development in Søborg, Copenhagen, Denmark. We are medically responsible for clinical development programmes within diabetes, diabetic complications and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). Our responsibilities include planning and execution of clinical trials and providing medical and scientific support to health authority interactions. Currently, the department consists of eight medical specialists (MDs) and is expected to grow as we expand our portfolio into new areas.

The position
As a Senior International Medical Director within our NASH team, you will be involved in a great variety of tasks. You will support our activities in NASH biomarker development including representing Novo Nordisk in high level fora within NASH biomarker consortia (collaboration between academia and industry). As part of this role, you will be responsible for driving and coordinating the cross functional biomarker efforts in close collaboration with Global Drug Discovery and other areas. You will evaluate potential NASH biomarkers and you understand how to assess performance characteristics as well as clinical feasibility. 

In addition to above you will support early and late stage clinical NASH projects. Successful candidates are dedicated team players who can provide high-quality and timely medical input to the design and conduct of clinical trials, interpretation of data, documentation of trial results and supporting regulatory submissions and interactions - always maintaining a patient-centric mind-set. 

Working with external advisors/key opinion leaders is an integral part of the job, and naturally you foster fruitful collaborations. Oral presentation internally and externally is a natural part of the job as is publications of trial data.



You hold a university degree as a Medical Doctor and have clinical practice experience, ideally from hepatology or endocrinology, and you have documented research experience, such as a PhD, and clinical development experience. Preferably you are experienced in translational medicine, particularly in assessment/validation of biomarkers, and health authority interaction. Importantly, you are a lifelong learner and welcome the opportunity to develop new skills and gain further experience within drug development. 

You thrive in a dynamic and international environment with attention to high quality, high ambitions and results. You have excellent communication skills (proficiency in written and spoken English), as well as strong coordination/planning and collaborative capabilities. Key attributes include analytical and strategic skills, flexibility and ability to prioritise tasks, and you collaborate with many different internal and external stakeholders at all organisational levels, with diverse professional and cultural backgrounds. Up to 15% travelling should be expected.


Working at Novo Nordisk

At Novo Nordisk, we use our skills, dedication and ambition to help people with diabetes and related chronic metabolic diseases. We offer the chance to be part of a truly global workplace, where passion and commitment are met with opportunities for professional and personal development. 

Our decisions are guided by the Triple Bottom Line principle, which means that we are committed to do business in a way that is financially, socially and environmentally responsible. We always go for what is best for the patient, and we always consider how our actions may impact people, communities and the environment. We are a global organisation and welcome Danish and international applicants, and we offer mobility and relocation support.



For further information, please contact Morten Hansen at +45 3079 9386.



26 March, 2019 


Millions rely on us
To work for Novo Nordisk you will need the skills, dedication and ambition to change lives for the better for millions of patients living with diabetes and other chronical diseases. In exchange, we offer the chance to be part of a truly global workplace, where passion and engagement are met with opportunities for professional and personal development.

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: Novo Nordisk A/S

source: DK-STAR


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