Arbejde Senior Mechanical Engineer, R&D unspecified BEUMER Group A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4882994
documentId: 4882994
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1537860379886
stillingsbetegnelse: Senior Mechanical Engineer, R&D
Job Description
Would you like to join the exciting development of BEUMER Group's next level of cutting-edge products and technology?
We are looking for a Senior Mechanical Engineer who will deal with tomorrow's products - from the initial concept phase to the finished product.
Our R&D department in Aarhus is expanding and you will become part of a dedicated and competent team that develops new best in class products across our product portfolio. In this senior role you will have a significant influence on design decisions and the development process.
We are starting up new product portfolios within airport and logistics and you have the possibility to join from the very start in an international collaborating atmosphere. We develop products and concepts together with our colleagues and shareholders in the group. Knowledge of applications within robotics, fast sorting, advanced automation and Automated Guided Vehicles are of interest.
Your tasks will include:
- All aspect of the products mechanical design and construction.
- Be responsible and participate in design of products, components and assemblies in 3d - Solid Edge.
- Participate in cross functional development with the engineering department, supply chain, sales and business development.
- Identify new technologies and spot new opportunities.
- Understand and listen to the need and requirements of our customers and the market.
- Drafting "Product Requirement Specification" in connection with the start-up of new developments.
- Participate in prototype testing.
- Participate and facilitate handover of new thoroughly tested, documented and approved products.
Your competencies
Ideally you have a technical background combined with a degree in mechanical engineering, as well as a minimum of 5 years' experience within mechanical engineering. You are a skilled in 3D design and proficient in English.
- You have a technical curiosity and foster new ideas.
- You deliver and have a sense of high quality - you pay attention to the details.
- You take pride in keeping one step ahead of things with a significant drive.
- You are goal orientated with a long term perspective.
- You are a team player and have a corporate understanding.
If you have any questions about the job, please feel free to call Head of R&D, Henrik Skyum, on +45 20151380. Travel activity can occur.
Would you like to play a committed part in our successful family business? Apply as soon as possible as we invite for interviews on an ongoing basis.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Conveying, loading, palletising, packing, sortation and distribution - BEUMER Group is a leader within the development and manufacture of high-technological intralogistics systems for global markets. Our employees stand out from others thanks to their ability to supply innovative solutions to our customers. They can do this because they know the industry and are passionate about continuously developing and expanding their knowledge. We support these high standards through teamwork, mutual respect and a working culture based on trust that fosters stability and security for all of our employees. Our common goal is to implement outstanding and innovative projects worldwide.
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: BEUMER Group A/S
source: DK-STAR
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