Arbejde Senior Digital Product Designer - Copenhagen unspecified VIVINO ApS - jobtilbud

id: NDkwODYxOSA3

reference: 4908619

documentId: 4908619

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1542804672620

stillingsbetegnelse: Senior Digital Product Designer - Copenhagen


Vivino is looking for a talented digital product designer for to help transform the complexity of wine into fun, approachable and beautiful user experiences.

The Senior Digital Product Designer position is full-time and based in Vivino's Copenhagen office. You will work closely with product management and the development team to shape new product features and design user interfaces for the Vivino website. You’ll join a fast-moving startup with a casual work culture and passionate colleagues determined to build amazing products that change the way people enjoy wine.

As evident in your impressive portfolio, you have an excellent track record as a visual user interface designer and a sharp eye for detail, ensuring consistency with our existing visual identity and contributing to its continuous evolution.


You have a good understanding of usability, information architecture, interaction design and best practices for web apps and e-commerce websites.


Most probably, you have several years’ experience from a similar role with or as a consultant to a startup or scaleup focussing solely on digital products with a significant element of e-commerce as well as community activation and engagement.



Responsibilities include

  • Collaborate closely with the product management team to create great web user experiences
  • Translate high-level goals and analytical insights into new product ideas and actual designs
  • Create mockups, flows, and prototypes to evaluate designs - and iterate based on team feedback
  • Present designs to peers and stakeholders
  • Create final high-fidelity mockups, graphical assets and specs, and iterate with developers to ensure final product hits the mark

The team and the workplace


You will join a busy team currently of two, soon to be three, experienced designers.

You’ll report to Rune Lund-Hermansen, Chief Designer in Vivino for the past five years. Rune is an experienced cross platform concept developer and interface designer. And a very likeable guy!

In the Copenhagen office, you will work in a relaxed, yet ambitious environment with 60 colleagues, counting 20 nationalities. You will be trusted to deliver, without micromanagement, and you will have the opportunity to influence what you work with and the people you work with.


  • Awesome work culture with few formal procedures and limits
  • A diverse team of many nationalities
  • Friday wine bar
  • An opportunity to visit our office in San Fransisco
  • Lunch catering
  • Pension plan
  • Health insurance

About Vivino

Vivino is the world’s largest wine app, with over 29 million community members worldwide and growing. We are a fast paced, growing organization with offices in Copenhagen, San Francisco, France, the Netherlands, UK, Italy, Spain, Germany, Ukraine, India, and now Hong Kong. The core feature of Vivino allows users to take a photo of any wine label and learn everything there is to know about that wine. All of this knowledge is crowdsourced from Vivino’s 29 million users, and is 100% free.

Vivino is expanding to offer wine via our marketplace, providing a quick and convenient means to shopping from any device or platform. Work culture is fun and engaging, with lots of learning and fantastic wine around the office. Team members are spread out across the world, offering a unique challenge. Ideal candidates will be highly motivated to be a key contributor to our vision of improving the wine experience of everyday wine drinkers.

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: VIVINO ApS

source: DK-STAR


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