Arbejde Senior Consultant: Operational Risk Management (Subject Matter Expert) unspecified DUPONT NUTRITION BIOSCIENCES APS - jobtilbud

id: NDc3NTI4MiA3

reference: 4775282

documentId: 4775282

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1538381577923

Senior Consultant: Operational Risk Management (Subject Matter Expert)


Recently recognized as “the stand-out brand in the EHS consulting market” by independent research firm Verdantix, DuPont Sustainable Solutions (DSS) is a global operations management consulting company that has been advising leading industrial companies around the world for over 20 years.  We leverage not only 200 years of DuPont experience in operating high-hazard facilities around the world, but also the unique talents of our expert consultants.  Our strength is our people – a diverse team of individuals with experience across a broad range of industries, functions and disciplines.Companies come to us because they want to bring about lasting change that makes them safer, more dynamic and more productive places to work. They trust us because we have real life experience of the situations they face, we help them implement and operationalize their solutions and we are passionate about what we do.  We zero in on what matters: protecting and improving lives, operations and assets.

As a Senior Operational Risk Management Consultant with expertise in risk management, safety management systems development, and process improvement implementation you will be trusted to lead projects in Operational Risk Management transformation programs.  You will help clients design and implement solutions that help senior executives manage operational risks on the shop floor and process lines and ensure sustainable business performance, with the purpose of not just protecting asset value but also extracting and creating value.  You will be responsible for identifying, designing, and implementing effective solutions and must be equally conversant with senior executives and process line supervisors.  You will feel comfortable working through a client’s value chain, develop risk scenarios, identify and propose risk mitigation strategies, and link operational risk management outcomes to client’s business performance and their business plan.

This position will enable you to demonstrate your ability to see operational risk challenges across the entire value chain, as well as, be able to dive into technical details of processes and systems. Are you a self-starter who thrives in a fast-paced, dynamic environment?  Do you like problem-solving?  Are you excited by the prospect of making a real difference for our clients?   

This is an outstanding opportunity to apply your background in engineering or operations and strong management consulting skills! You will have the opportunity to work with industry recognized leaders, broaden your consulting network while developing your professional and technical capabilities.

Responsibilities:- Drive the design and execution of consulting engagements in operational risk management to help clients protect, extract, and create value in their assets, be outcome-focused and ensure client requirements are not only met but exceeded. This includes:... Work closely with senior executives to understand their business challenges, identify risk scenarios that impact their business goals and performance and link business performance to the organization’s operational risk ... Work across the client’s business portfolio and value chain, while determining when and how to deep dive into technical operations on the process line or shop floor to better manage operational risks and enhance the client’s business value;... Communicate and coordinate effectively across diverse client stakeholders, including the client business ecosystem;... Identify proactively issues and risks in relation to the specific delivery activities and liaise with the wider project team to evaluate potential solutions and pursue the optimal course of actions to minimize adverse impact and maximize project success; and,... Build and implement client solutions that fit client culture, business environment and improves client business performance.

- Lead operational risk management proposals and provide expertise as part of proposal development and support to other team members

- Thought leader and creative thinker in operational risk management with the ability to create new risk methodologies and approaches;

-Play an active role in building the firm... Participate and contribute to functional and/or industry networks with the aim of developing and sharing best practices;... Be a thought leader in operational risk management and help build firm capability; and... Provide feedback and coaching to junior colleagues to support their development within DSS


Job Qualifications:- Strong knowledge and practical experience in application / facilitation of a wide range of risk analysis and risk management techniques;- Knowledge and practical experience in business planning and developing risk scenarios based on business plans and operations;- Broad understanding of operational risk management and how different management and operations elements are linked together;- Ability to effectively deliver training and coaching sessions to senior executives to build/strengthen capabilities;- Experience along the entire lifecycle of an asset, from concept, design/build, operations/maintenance, modification and asset retirement;  - Exceptional interpersonal skills and team-working attitude to be able to work in fast-paced, multi-cultural and multi-disciplinary teams;- Effective leadership skills to drive project execution in complex environments;- Proven track record in relevant highly-hazard/heavy manufacturing industries such oil & gas, petrochemical, chemical, metal processing, etc.;- BS/BA in engineering or equivalent, MBA or MS preferred with 15 years’ experience;- Fluency in both written and spoken English. Other languages will be a plus; and - Ability to travel at least 60% each month.

 About DowDuPontDowDuPont (NYSE: DWDP) is a holding company comprised of The Dow Chemical Company and DuPont with the intent to form strong, independent, publicly traded companies in agriculture, materials science and specialty products sectors that will lead their respective industries through productive, science-based innovation to meet the needs of customers and help solve global challenges. For more information, please visit us at The positions represented by this job posting are aligned to one of the three divisions, Agriculture, Materials Science or Specialty Products, which are expected to separate from DowDuPont into stand-alone public companies. Information on the division alignment will be provided during the recruitment process.


numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime


source: DK-STAR


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