Arbejde Senior Chief Consultant in Electrical Syddanmark RAMBØLL DANMARK A/S, Esbjerg - jobtilbud
Are you an expert on complex electrical design studies? Do you see yourself as a specialist and strive to keep updated with the latest studies in electrical power generation and distribution systems? Does it sound interesting to be responsible for the technical design on major international multi-disciplinary project? Electrical expert on electrical systems for Oil & Gas As our new Senior Chief Consultant at Ramboll Oil & Gas in Esbjerg you will be responsible for technical design in accordance with our contracts and international standards. Some of the projects will be multidiscipline where you will be working closely together with automation, process, safety, mechanical, structural and maintenance engineers. The projects are done in close contact with our clients through status meetings. Your tasks will include to: •Participate in studies where the overall electrical power generation and distribution systems are specified •Perform electrical calculations of load flow, short circuit calculation, dynamic stability and harmonic analyses •Act as a coach/mentor for younger employees in the department regarding project management and Health Safety Environment & Quality (HSEQ). This includes checking their projects and continuously improve their skills via professional discussions •Participate in upgrade projects where electrical power systems are designed to a detailed level e.g. motor starters, frequency converters, trace heating, lighting and measurements •Act in the Discipline Lead role which includes weekly meetings with clients (Mainly Maersk Oil, DONG, HESS) and participation on larger multidiscipline projects. •Develop own and employees' skills in the department and procedures/guidelines within the disciplines You may expect to travel up to 2-4 times a year offshore, typically 1-3 days at a time. Analytical mind-set, strong mentor and focused on successful relations You must have strong specialist skills and an analytical approach combined with professionalism that ensures the successes for own tasks and your colleagues. As a focused and a good communicator you know the importance of continued correspondence with clients through out a project. It is natural for you to collaborate across disciplines and to build good relations with clients, as well as colleagues. You are structured, result-oriented and have solid experience with managing projects. To be a success in this position, we imagine that you have: •An education as Electrician combined with a relevant BSc. or MSc. degree in electrical engineering •Min. 12 years of successful experience within the offshore oil & gas sector •Good communication skills and English proficiency is a must and Danish is an advantage •Worked on a daily basis with Microsoft Office programs Word and Excel •Knowledge within the calculation programme Palladin (EDSA) and ETAP •Some project management experience, preferably with international oil and gas projects Your new colleagues You will get 50 new colleagues in the department for Electrical, Automation and Telecom in Esbjerg including six colleagues in India. We are a leading provider of consultancy and design solutions related to offshore projects involving field development and modification jobs, mainly in the North Sea. Furthermore, our portfolio covers tailor-made solutions for onshore oil and gas facilities, and provides complex solutions for the offshore wind farm industry. We cater for all phases of a project – from feasibility and concept studies to detailed design, maintenance and lifetime extension projects. Ramboll offer An exciting and challenging job in a dynamic and international environment with a pleasant working climate and highly skilled colleagues. We are focused on knowledge sharing and collaboration across competence areas and geography and enjoy an informal tone. Ramboll invest a lot in development of people and offer career paths tailored for each individual. Interested? Apply:ht
Arbejdsgiver Navn: RAMBØLL DANMARK A/S, Esbjerg
Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 79137100
Job kort beskrivelse: Ingeniørarbejde inden for elektronik
land: Danmark
region: Syddanmark
Kontrakt varighed: Fast
Kontrakttype: Fuldtid
krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet
Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark
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