Arbejde Senior Business Partner in Finance for Sales with strong financial analysis competences and commercial skills Hovedstaden DONG Energy Sales & Distribution A/S Gentofte - jobtilbud
Senior Business Partner in Finance for Sales with strong financial analysis competences and commercial skills
Would you like to be the financial business partner of our Sales division, providing key insight to our senior management? Join us and become Senior Business Partner in the Business Partner Sales team which is a unit in Forecasting, Reporting & Decision Support under Customers & Markets Finance. The team supports and challenges the International Sales division's top management and provides high-quality information to decision-makers at several levels. The key responsibilities include reporting of monthly financial statements, forecasts, business and financial controlling and analysis, performance management activities, business case modelling, and strategic sparring. Customers & Markets, which has 1,500 employees and is one of four business units in DONG Energy. We handle the production from our wind farms and oil and gas fields for the energy exchanges and customers in Northern Europe, and we distribute electricity and natural gas to businesses and private customers in Denmark. You will be based at our office in Virum in the Greater Copenhagen area and should not expect much travelling in relation to your work. As Senior Business Partner, you will interact closely with the commercial Sales business in creating transparency in financials and business. You will be the link between the business, top management and Finance and provide financial insight, business challenges, and strategic perspectives about the organisation's position and course, ensuring that value-creating activities are in focus. You will also help ensure transparency in EBIT and prepare relevant financial figures on, eg, sales of commodities, energy services. Moreover, you create the short-term and long-term financial forecasts for the strategic business unit. Finally, you will produce reports and sign off material for business review meetings with the CEO, the CFO and Group Finance. Your key duties will be to •conduct financial business analysis and controlling •produce and innovate management reports for monthly and quarterly forecast business review meetings •perform and present different financial deep-dive topics in an accessible way to management •facilitate all finance processes towards stakeholders in the business •handle business case processes and reviews and facilitate communication to other Finance departments. Your qualifications and core competences include that you •hold a relevant academic master's degree in finance or economics and that you are among the best in your class •have a solid background of relevant experience from a finance department, preferably within corporate or business finance, consulting or similar •experience with structured problem solving, business controlling, senior management reporting, financial analysis, working with complex data and communication of both commercial perspectives and financial analysis will be considered an advantage •are a super user of Microsoft power point and Excel and preferably also acquainted with SAP/SAP-BI •are analytically strong, persistent and results-oriented •have a systematic, structured and process-oriented approach to your work and you are an excellent communicator, orally as well as on paper •take responsibility, are positive minded, and have a collaborative nature •are able to create results through teamwork and develop good relationships to your colleagues and stakeholder •have a high level of initiative and drive and welcome changes, and you do not hesitate to challenge consensus. As we operate in a highly international environment, is it essential that you speak and write English fluently. Finally, you show flexibility, as your workload may become intense during busy periods. We offer Excellent opportunities to develop personal and professional competences in a constantly changing international energy company. You will be working on complex matters and will get an insight into DONG Energy’s entire value chain and its financial drivers. You
Arbejdsgiver Navn: DONG Energy Sales & Distribution A/S Gentofte
Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 72102030
Job kort beskrivelse: Revisions- og regnskabscontrollerarbejde
land: Danmark
region: Hovedstaden
Kontrakt varighed: Fast
Kontrakttype: Fuldtid
krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet
Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark
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