Arbejde Senior Bridge Design Engineer, Bridges Scandinavia, Denmark unspecified COWI A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4886891
documentId: 4886891
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1538561645960
Senior Bridge Design Engineer, Bridges Scandinavia, Denmark
Since 1939, COWI has pushed the boundaries of bridge, tunnel and marine design through our involvement in some of the world's largest, most iconic and complex projects.
With a full set of excellent competencies within bridge, tunnelling and marine design, combined with local presence and experience, our dedicated professionals are ready to take on the most complex projects anywhere in the world – no matter how large or small. We manage our projects from offices located in Scandinavia, UK, Germany, Middle East, SE Asia, India and North America, and promote a collaborative mind-set, work internationally and engage with our colleagues, clients and stakeholders across the globe.
We are recognized as a centre of excellence for quality, innovation and client’s first choice. Our philosophy of getting it ‘right first time’ in tandem with producing alternative designs to ensure safe, economic and sustainable solutions has firmly established COWI as a leader in its field.
This is a superb opportunity for an experienced Bridge Design Engineer who is fluent in either Danish, Swedish or Norwegian to join our highly acclaimed team of engineers with our Bridges Scandinavia business unit, working on complex and technically challenging projects, based from our head office in Lyngby, Denmark
Requirements: knowledge, personal skills and experience required:
- You will hold either a Bachelor's Degree, Chartered Status or a PE in civil engineering
- You will be a technically strong engineer with in excess of 5 years post-graduation experience in bridge design
- Must have excellent written and verbal communication skills in at least one Scandinavian language (Danish, Norwegian or Swedish)
- You will have significant experience in the design of concrete and steel bridge structures
- You will be adept at working within a team environment with the ability to control, supervise, mentor and develop less experienced engineers
- You will be self-motivated with excellent communication skills
- You will possess strong analytical ability and a solid understanding of engineering fundamentals and current design standards
- You will be able to communicate / liaise effectively and professionally with the design team, clients and contractors
- Ideally you have experience with design using 3D/BIM tools such as TEKLA or similar.
- You are ready to travel
Role Summary:
Reporting to the Head of Section, you will be responsible for delivering bridge and structures designs on a variety of projects, liaising with clients and mentoring / developing less experienced engineers.
Duties & Responsibilities Include, but are not limited:
- Providing technical leadership to projects
- Assisting in the development of conceptual design and producing engineering designs and details in accordance with project requirements
- Preparation of calculations, written reports and checking of drawings
- Checking of design calculations and drawings completed by other engineers
- Discipline leadership on our projects
- Attending client meetings and building relationships with clients and other stakeholders
- Visits to site as required
Remuneration & Benefits:
COWI are an equal opportunities employer and we believe in rewarding our staff for their commitment and hard work and we have designed a benefits package that we feel will suit all of our team. You will receive a basic salary that will match your skills, experience and requirements, coupled with a range of flexible employee benefits that you would expect from a leading regional employer.
Further we offer continued technical and personal development through participation in our formalized internal technical networks, training through the COWI Academy and conference participation.
How to Apply:
Applying could not be easier, please click the link below and follow the simple steps to upload your CV and commence what could be the next and most fulfilling chapter in your career to date.
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: COWI A/S
source: DK-STAR
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