Arbejde Senior Analyst, Planning unspecified BIOGEN (DENMARK) NEW MANUFACTURINGApS - jobtilbud
reference: 4890185
documentId: 4890185
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1539164891276
stillingsbetegnelse: Senior Analyst, Planning
Are you a driven and motivated team-player and do you have experience working with Production Scheduling and Inventory Management? Then you might be the person we are looking for!
Job Category
Manufacturing, Supply Chain Operations
Requisition Number
Job Description
We are currently looking for a Senior Analyst to join our Materials Management and Production Scheduling team in Hillerød, Denmark.
In this role, you’ll be part of a team responsible for equipment scheduling and supply management of raw materials for the company’s bulk production facility. You will interact with the internal and external tech transfer teams coordinating readiness from an ERP (Bill of Materials, Routings etc.), raw materials and equipment readiness perspective.
It is the overall function to ensure supply chain readiness end-to-end for the Hillerød manufacturing site from raw materials through production order execution to final drug substance stored in warehouse. In this position you must be able to clearly communicate expectations with no ambiguity and provide clear and visible direction for a variety of stakeholders.
Primary Responsibilities
- Supply chain end-to-end activities for Hillerød DS Manufacturing. Material Requirement Planning of raw materials and intermediates, equipment scheduling and batch creations. Cross-functional alignment with various departments such as Manufacturing, Maintenance, Procurement, Manufacturing Sciences, Quality Control, Quality Assurance and Warehouse to ensure uninterrupted production.
- Attending work streams for Campaign Lifecycle Management and new Tech Transfers coordinating changes to existing products and new product introduction to the facility with internal and external partners.
- Maintaining Master Data and Bill of Materials in Oracle for clinical and commercials programs to ensure demand collection in the Material Requirement Plan for intermediates and raw materials
- Batch/Production order creation in Oracle based on production plan
- Identification and driving optimization initiatives in relation to systems such as ERP (Oracle R12), Scheduling system (OMP+) and supporting processes
We are looking for an easy-going, flexible, a good team player and who can perform their work with an open mind and a sense of humor. Furthermore, you should:
- Have minimum 5+ years of relevant experience
- Have experience working with MRP in an ERP is a must. Experience working with a complex BOM structure with many levels is a plus
- Thrive in an international environment, where things are constantly changing.
- Be able to work independently, take initiative, ownership and pride in your work
- Work both analytically and proactively
- Have good communication skills in English and Danish orally and in writing
- Possess solid IT-experience, with Oracle preferred as well as a natural flair for quickly learning new systems
- Have a solid understanding of MPS, MRP, Production Scheduling and Inventory Management
- HD/Cand. Merc/Production Engineer or equivalent
Employment Category
Full-Time Regular
Experience Level
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
source: DK-STAR
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