Arbejde SCIENCE & HEALTH Cross-faculty Cluster Coordinator, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science unspecified KU - SCIENCE BIO - BRIC - jobtilbud

id: NDkxMTI3MiA3

reference: 4911272

documentId: 4911272

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1543406465206

SCIENCE & HEALTH Cross-faculty Cluster Coordinator, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science

Are you the person that can make our new cross-disciplinary science cluster a lasting success?

ISBUC, the Integrative Structural Biology at University of Copenhagen Cluster at Faculty of Science and Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, the University of Copenhagen, is looking for an academic Cluster Coordinator or a special consultant as Cluster Coordinator with effect from 1st February 2019.

About us
ISBUC – Integrative Structural Biology at the University of Copenhagen – is a new cross-disciplinary cluster counting more than 50 scientists engaged in structural biology related research from across the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences and the Faculty of Science. The ambition of ISBUC is to stir more cross-disciplinary collaborations both within the University and with external partners in industry and academia. The cluster was founded two years ago and currently, the cluster facilitates sharing of equipment and knowledge through a common web-portal ( as well as regular workshops and an annual meeting. ISBUC plans to expand with seminar series, summer courses and more formalized industrial collaborations adding value to the individual researchers and groups.

As cluster coordinator, your job will be to support, facilitate and develop the activities in the cluster in close collaboration with the steering committee and the scientists in the cluster. Your work will be to help fund the research and infrastructure in ISBUC and improve the collaborative framework within departments and between academia and relevant companies. If you have the right blend of skills, this is your opportunity to significantly impact the overall scientific performance and management of a new and very ambitious strategic effort at the University of Copenhagen.

Your tasks will include
  • Support of the development of ISBUC as a self-sustained research cluster
  • Coordination and support of large research applications within ISBUC
  • Coordination and management of ISBUC meetings, workshops and seminar series
  • Maintain and develop the ISBUC homepage
  • Liaise with relevant partners in industry to sustain and expand the network of ISBUC
  • Establish and maintain excellent working relationships with departments in ISBUC
We expect that you
  • have at least a master degree in natural sciences or health and medical sciences
  • enjoy and thrive in coordinating and linking people and projects
  • are able to manage multiple and diverse projects at different stages
  • have a well-developed sense of public relations and communication with stakeholders and the broader public
  • have a high degree of self-direction and pro-activity
  • are able to secure, manage and maintain critical partnerships with key business partners, and
  • have demonstrated comprehensive English oral and written communication skills
Previous interaction with external funding agencies is advantageous.

We offer
An exciting opportunity at the largest university in Denmark in a new two-year position bridging the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences. As cluster coordinator, you will work closely with scientists and administrators across the University and have ample opportunity to develop your cross-disciplinary collaboration skills. In practice you will be employed at the Department of Biology at the Faculty of Science and refer to the ISBUC Steering Committee.

Terms of salary and employment
The position is avaible for a 2-year period and will, depending on your skills and qualifications, be placed as an academic employee. The weekly working hours will then be 37 hours. The salary is based on seniority and is currently between DKK 25,552 and DKK 31,135 plus pension contribution and the possibility to negotiate further supplement.


The position is avaible for a 2-year period and will, depending on your skills and qualifications, be placed as a special consultant. The weekly working hours will then be minimum 25 hours. The salary is currently between DKK 27,292 (25 hours) and DKK 28,595 (25 hours) plus pension contribution and the possibility to negotiate further supplement.

The employment and salary is made in accordance with the Circular on the Collective Agreement concerning academics in the state sector concluded between the Ministry of Finance and AC (the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations).

Your application
If you find the job interesting, please send an electronic application with attachment via the Job Portal (click on the link "Apply now" at the bottom of the post) no later than 31st December 2018 at 11:59 PM CET.

Interviews will take place in week two 2019.

The University of Copenhagen seeks to reflect society and encourages applications irrespective of personal background.

Further questions
Any questions about the position may be directed to Caspar Elo Christensen, Caspar.christensen (at), +45 28836877.

ISBUC is a new science cluster uniting scientists from the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences at the University of Copenhagen. The cluster includes 50 permanently employed scientists with more than 200 associated postdocs, Ph.D. students and Master students.

Learn more about ISBUC at

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: KU - SCIENCE BIO - BRIC

source: DK-STAR


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