Arbejde Scanpeople is looking for Marine Field Service Engineers on behalf of Alfa Laval Nordic unspecified SCANPEOPLE ApS - jobtilbud
reference: 4890679
documentId: 4890679
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1539248587270
Scanpeople is looking for Marine Field Service Engineers on behalf of Alfa Laval Nordic
Our Costumer, Alfa Laval Nordic, is seeking a new Field Service Engineer for the Marine Market. We expect you to have a very good mechanical understanding and a solid working knowledge within automation and process optimization. The job entails support and problem-solving aboard vessels or at yachts, which will include much travel- activity. You will primarily work with our rotating equipment decanters and high-speed separators - and it is expected that you are always capable of putting put the customer first.
About the job
- Preventive maintenance of supplied equipment and machines.
- Repair and service according to customer requirements.
- Support to customers and general technical support.
- Troubleshooting and adjustments to equipment and machines.
- Start-up and commissioning of machinery and process plants on board vessels.
- Training of the crew.
- Optimization of plant and equipment.
The jobs will concentrate on customers sites in Scandinavia; however, support can be in other countries as well. You will be on customers locations most of the time, so expected overnight stays will be around 100.
Who are you?
- You have a technical background as a Marine Engineer.
- You have hands-on experience with Alfa Lavals products (decanters, high-speed separators, PureBilge, FWG, pure- dry).
- You know the Marine Business and have sailing experience, minimum as a 2nd
- You have a very good mechanical understanding.
- You have good knowledge and experience in automation and control systems.
- You are proficient in Microsoft Office.
- You speak and write Danish and English.
What’s in it for you?
We offer a challenging position in an open and friendly environment where we help each other to develop and create value. Your work will have a true impact on Alfa Laval’s future success.
If you can relate to the above and you are ready for new challenges, please send your CV and application by e-mail to info (at) – For more information, please contact Flemming Juliussen or Christian Behrenthz Olesen by phone: (+45) 43 31 00 71
About Alfa Laval
Alfa Laval is today a world leader within the key technology areas of heat transfer, separation and fluid handling. Our company was founded on a single brilliant invention and innovation remains at the heart of everything we do. With more than 2500 patents, we provide worldwide solutions in areas that are vital to society both today and for the future.
For more information please visit
About ScanPeople
ScanPeople is a young and dynamic Danish company in the Scanavo group. We are specialised in hiring staff on behalf of industrial, medical, and technical companies, and one of our strengths are the employee’s much differentiated backgrounds. Together, the employees of ScanPeople have more than 25 years of experience with temporary hires, search and recruitment.
You can read more about ScanPeople at
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: SCANPEOPLE ApS
source: DK-STAR
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