Arbejde Sales tools & Compliance Manager unspecified ALFA LAVAL COPENHAGEN A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDkyNjU4OCA3

reference: 4926588

documentId: 4926588

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1546868013670

stillingsbetegnelse: Sales tools & Compliance Manager


Make it easier for our sales people to sell by further develop our sales tools. Enable a premium customer experience and drive our differentiation by understanding and interpreting commercial and regulatory product requirements. Succeed through networking, customer focus and drive. Does it sounds interesting? Then you could be the next passionate team member in our Decanter Product & Marketing department.

We are experiencing a fantastic development within our decanter business. To continue this journey we are focused on further developing our tools and strengthen our compliance with regulatory requirements.

About the job
You will play a key role in defining the way we support our sales persons in selling our decanters. Sitting in the heart of Business Unit Decanters you will be engaged with most other central functions such as R&D, Global Sales, Service, E&S as well as with our SC and customers.

Key responsibilities:

  • Drive a further development of our sales tools and documents to make our decanters “easy to sell” for our sales persons
  • Further develop our sales configurator (ALiCE) to support the sales process as much as possible
  • Drive selected development projects forward in the early stage from Idea to feasibility study
  • Own and drive the compliance management in BUD within areas like Export Control, Conflict minerals, food regulations etc.
  • Collect and convert competitors intelligence into sales support material

The position is based in Søborg/Copenhagen, but approx. 10-20 travel days a year must be expected.

What you know
You have a technical university degree, experience from sales, and a good understanding of which material and tools are needed in the sales process. Experience from working with compliance management would be appreciated.

Who you are
You are a strong communicator with a lot of drive and own initiative, are well organized and have proven project management skills.
You are customer focused and eager to further develop tools and documentation to make our decanters “easy to sell”.

What’s in it for you
A job in a growing global organisation with many contacts and carrier opportunities. A skilled team with engaged and committed colleagues working in a positive and informal atmosphere.

At Alfa Laval we believe in work-life balance, have flexible working hours, sports and training facilities, and offer an attractive pension and insurance scheme, incl. health care arrangements.

For more information, please contact 
Marketing Responsible, Brian Munch, +45 2684 7597

Please send your motivated application and CV via link no later than 17 January 2019


numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime


source: DK-STAR


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