Arbejde Retail Buying Assistant - Temporary unspecified BESTSELLER A/S (Aarhus) - jobtilbud
reference: 4913281
documentId: 4913281
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1543840873536
stillingsbetegnelse: Retail Buying Assistant - Temporary
Are you ambitious and result-oriented, and do you want to play a central role in securing the optimal assortment in our VERO MODA stores around Europe?
We are looking for an energetic and keen Retail Buying Assistant for our Retail Buying and Merchandising team in a temporary position lasting 6 months. Does it sound like something for you? Then read on.
The department
As our new Retail Buying Assistant, you will be a part of our Own Stores Retail Buying and Merchandising team, which consists of 10 colleagues who are all dedicated to the success of our new team. We come with different cultural backgrounds and different experiences from the world of fashion, and we are all focused on securing the best products delivered at the right time to our VERO MODA Own stores. We are a key department within VERO MODA where we take part in setting the direction for the whole brand, securing alignment across departments and markets.
Team spirit is a key word for us - we support each other in reaching our common goals while we, at the same time, focus on the individual development opportunities of each team member. In the team we have a can-do attitude, we communicate openly and challenge each other positively to always be better than yesterday. We like to collaborate with other teams in VERO MODA and BESTSELLER to ensure a simple way of working for the stores.
The job
You will play an important part in ensuring the continued success of our VERO MODA stores. In collaboration with the other members of our Retail Buying and Merchandising team, you will work dedicated towards realising our ambitious growth strategy across our 11 markets - with particular focus on Norway and Denmark. You will be involved with coordinating buying and sales initiatives in collaboration with the Regional Buying Manager, building local strategic campaigns as well as supporting the composition of the product mix, which includes following up with the buyers in the markets. Additionally, you will help ensure that our buying initiatives are carried out and that our order book is optimal to drive selling out of shop. It is also important that you can establish strong relations across borders - with colleagues as well as business partners.
More specifically, your tasks will include:
- Providing support on all product related matters
- Administrating catalogues and placing orders
- Daily follow-ups, analyzing sales figures, top lists, stock flow, etc.
- Following up on deliveries
- Preparing analyses and reports
- Building relations with the inhouse cross-functional teams and country teams.
- Experience from the fashion and retail industry
- In-depth knowledge about womenswear
- Solid understanding of numbers
- Great business acumen
- Knowledgeable about Excel
- Proficiency in English, since some meeting and correspondence will be in English.
Your profile
You are characterised by having a great drive, and you thrive in a dynamic environment where results and growth are focal areas. At the same time, you are independent, take initiative and able to motivate and inspire those around you. You are determined and take pride in delivering the best possible results in collaboration with your colleagues in the Retail Buying and Merchandising team. Your winning mentality is evident in your daily behaviour and, finally, you are passionate about fashion and trends.
We look forward to hearing from you!
If you have any questions about the position, please reach out to Louise Bek Ollendorff on +45 52153948. Please send us your application and CV as soon as possible and no later than 20 December 2018. We conduct interviews on an ongoing basis and reserve the right to remove the job posting before the application deadline if we find the right candidate.
Commencement: As soon as possible
VERO MODA is one of the high street's leading contemporary style voices. Covetable and accessible, we are dedicated to of-the-moment fashion and must-have wardrobe staples for the independent, confident woman. We continually readdress the fashion landscape and the way women shop while staying true to our identity: an effortless, relaxed and elegant approach to on-trend style.
VERO MODA is an international fashion destination with stores and offices around the world and a talented global team. We strive to give our customers the ultimate fashion experience and continue to grow in an ever-changing industry climate with ambition, consistency and style.
Whether you're excited by the latest fashion trends or seeking a dynamic work environment, we're always looking to grow our diverse team.
Family-owned since 1987, VERO MODA is part of the worldwide fashion company BESTSELLER. Visit or
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: BESTSELLER A/S (Aarhus)
source: DK-STAR
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